Ikuko Ito
Ikuko Ito (伊藤郁子), born in Ibaraki, Japan, was an animation director for the first four seasons of the anime. Notable episodes featuring her animation direction include the death of Nephrite, the death of the Inner Senshi, the first appearance of the Holy Grail, and the last episode of SuperS. She was also partially involved in the character design works of the anime series.
Episodes Featuring Her Animation Direction[edit]
- Episode 5 - A Youma's Scent! Chanelas Steal Love
- Episode 18 - Shingo's Innocent Love! A Sorrowful French Doll
- Episode 24 - Naru's Cry! Nephrite Dies for Love
- Episode 31 - Loved and Chased! Luna's Worst Day Ever
- Episode 37 - Aim to be a Princess? Usagi's Weird Training
- Episode 45 - The Sailor Senshi Die! The Tragic Final Battle
- Episode 55 - Is Seijuurou the Moonlight Knight? Mako-chan Falls in Love
- Episode 68 - Protect Chibiusa! Clash of the Ten Warriors
- Episode 94 - Protect the Pure Heart! A Three-Way Battle
- Episode 104 - Seeking Friends! Chibi Moon's Actions
- Episode 111 - The Grail's Divine Power! Moon's Double Transformation
- Episode 124 - The Horror of the Approaching Shadow! Eight Senshi in a Tough Battle
- Episode 125 - A Bright Shooting Star! Saturn and the Messiah
- Episode 139 - Try for the Best of Japan! The Worries of a Beautiful Girl Swordsman
- Episode 152 - Burning Passion! Mars' Furious Deadly Attack
- Episode 159 - Chibiusa's Little Rhapsody of Love
- Episode 166 - Dreams Forever! Light Throughout the Sky