Sailor Phi

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Character Information
Name: Sailor Phi
Name (kanji/kana): セーラーΦ
Alignment: Shadow Galactica
Species: Humanoid
Gender: Female
Lives: Unknown
Occupation: Star Gardener
Family: Sailor Chi (twin sister)
Associates: Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Theta (musicals only)
Aliases: Shadow Bee (musicals only)
First Anime Appearance: Sailor Moon Cosmos
First Manga Appearance: Act 52 Stars 3
First PGSM Appearance: N/A
English Name: Sailor Phi, Sailor ϕ (Eternal Edition), Sailor Φ (Viz dub)
Actors: Fumie Mizusawa (Crystal), Lisa Ortiz (Viz dub)

Sailor Phi ("Phi" (Φ) pronounced as "fai") was one of the Sailor Senshi subservient to Sailor Galaxia. She appeared throughout the Stars arc of the manga and Sailor Moon Cosmos, and had an important impact upon the story. She also made appearances in some of the musicals, though there she played only a minor role.


In terms of hierarchy, it was made clear in the manga that both Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi were the two most loyal of Sailor Galaxia's followers, and were hence second only to her in Shadow Galactica. They were in charge of overseeing the cultivation of the Sailor Crystal-trapping Garden Crystals that surrounded Galaxia's cathedral, as well as overlooking the operations of the Sailor Animamates on Earth. Sailor Phi, in particular, was seen early in the story, informing Galaxia of Sailor Aluminum Seiren's death - while handing Galaxia the Sailor Crystals of Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter - as well as apologizing for Sailor Tin Nyanko's failure in capturing Sailor Moon.

Phi and Chi were also arguably the strongest of Galaxia's followers; this was shown in full force during Act 56 and Act 57, where they killed six Sailor Senshi between them. Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne were the first to fall to them, as a result of their treachery, then the Sailor Starlights were also killed in front of Sailor Moon and Princess Kakyuu's eyes.

During the final battle between Phi and Chi and the remaining Sailor Senshi, Sailor Phi attacked Sailor Moon, but was not successful. After the Garden Crystals were destroyed, it was Sailor Kakyuu who instructed Sailor Moon to destroy Sailor Phi's bracelets. Sailor Moon did just that, turning Phi into a pile of ashes.



Sailor Phi in Crystal

Sailor Phi's appearance in Sailor Moon Cosmos was very similar to her manga appearance, the main difference being the manner in which she and her twin sister killed Sailor Lethe, Sailor Mnemosyne, and the Sailor Starlights. In the movie, it was Sailor Chi who killed Lethe and Mnemosyne, instead of Phi. When Sailor Phi attacked Sailor Moon, Princess Kakyuu, and Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon in the movie, the Starlights protected them by firing their respective signature attacks at Phi, while in the manga, it was Chibi Chibi Moon who protected them, as the Starlights were still unconscious from having been exposed to Lethe's River of Forgetfulness. The Starlights were able to block Phi's attack for a while, but when Chi joined her, they were overwhelmed by the combined assault from the two sisters, screaming in pain as they were fully surrounded by their energy blast. The Starlights then pulled themselves together and assured their Princess that they would sacrifice their lives for her. They were then destroyed, and the two sisters took their Sailor Crystals and disappeared.


  • Galactica Plants Blizzard - Sailor Phi's only attack in Crystal.


Sailor Phi appeared in several Sera Myu productions: Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, played by Yuuko Matsumoto; its revision, played by Rieko Akimoto; and Eien Densetsu, its revision, and Shin Densetsu Kourin, played by Mika Komura.

In all their musical appearances, Sailor Phi, Sailor Chi, and Sailor Theta were Galaxia's foot troops: indistinguishable, rarely given dialogue, and subservient to the higher-ranking members of Shadow Galactica. There was no indication that they had a special role as Star Gardeners. Sailor Phi's outfit had green highlights, and she had orange hair.

In Sailor Stars, Sailor Phi used the alias of Shadow Bee while working under MC Fly. However, in the kaiteiban, she was simply called Sailor Phi. Also in the kaiteiban, Sailor Phi (along with Chi and Theta) disguised herself as a backup dancer for the Three Lights while on Earth.

In Eien Densetsu, Sailor Phi disguised herself as a Juuban Municipal High School student. She also disguised herself as Rei Hino, as part of a scheme to sow mistrust among her allies. She has a shared attack with Sailor Chi and Sailor Theta, "Galactica Cry." After being beaten by Queen Beryl in combat, Sailor Phi was destroyed by Galaxia for her failure.


  • According to the translator's notes in the English Eternal Edition of the manga, her name likely comes from Bayer designation system of identifying stars, in which stars are assigned Greek letters based on brightness and other factors. Phi is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.

Sailor Senshi
Solar System Senshi
Sailor Moon/Princess Sailor Moon | Sailor Mercury/Dark Mercury | Sailor Mars | Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Venus/Sailor V | Sailor Chibi Moon
Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune | Sailor Pluto | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Juno | Sailor Ceres | Sailor Vesta | Sailor Pallas
Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon | Sailor Cosmos | Sailor Luna | Sailor Astarte
Kinmoku Senshi
Sailor Star Fighter | Sailor Star Healer | Sailor Star Maker | Sailor Kakyuu
Shadow Galactica Senshi
Sailor Galaxia | Sailor Iron Mouse | Sailor Aluminum Seiren | Sailor Lead Crow | Sailor Tin Nyanko | Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
Sailor Pewter Fox | Sailor Titanium Kerokko | Sailor Chi | Sailor Phi | Sailor Theta | Sailor Lethe | Sailor Mnemosyne | Sailor Buttress
Senshi killed by the Shadow Galactica | Sailor Chaos