Queen Nehellenia

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Character Information
Name: Queen Nehellenia
Name (kanji/kana): 女王ネヘレニア
Alignment: Dead Moon
Species: Humanoid; aspect of Chaos (manga)
Gender: Female
Lives: In a mirror
Occupation: Queen of the Dead Moon
Family: Unknown
Associates: Her subjects and underlings in the Dead Moon Circus
First Anime Appearance: Shadows of Great Evil! The Trio is Cornered
First Manga Appearance:
First PGSM Appearance: N/A
English Name: Queen Nehelenia
Actors: Yoshiko Sakakibara (adult), Wakana Yamazaki (child)
Queen Nehellenia

Queen Nehellenia was one of the principal villains of Sailor Moon, appearing in Sailor Moon SuperS and the Dream arc of the manga. She also appeared in the opening arc of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars.


Queen Nehellenia in the anime, after being healed by Sqailor Moon

In the anime, Queen Nehellenia was the Queen of an ancient kingdom on an asteroid. She believed her beauty was eternal, but her mirror showed her the form of her future self as an ugly old woman. Shocked and horrified by this, Nehellenia consumed the dreams of her servants and subjects to keep herself young. She watched with envy the prosperity of the Silver Millennium and Queen Serenity, and wanted to make the kingdom her own. As time passed, she learned about the power of the mysterious Golden Crystal, and with it she thought she could replace the queen of the Moon and possibly control the entire universe.

Nehellenia went to Elysion to get the Golden Crystal, but found that she also wanted to have the boy who guarded it, Helios. She tried to convince him to use the Golden Crystal with her to rule together, but Helios told her the crystal chose its own bearer, and only those with a beautiful dream could use it. When Nehellenia tried to get the crystal, it was protected by golden flames. Then Queen Serenity sealed her away into the darkness of the new moon.

From this dark place, Nehellenia commanded Zirconia and the rest of the Dead Moon Circus from behind her mirror. They captured Helios, but his true spirit took refuge in Chibiusa's beautiful dream, leaving the Dead Moon Circus searching for the owner of the dream in which he was hiding. Eventually, Nehellenia captured Sailor Chibi Moon and forced Helios to return to his body, then took the crystal by force and with its power freed herself from her seal. After a fight with the Sailor Senshi, her true form as an ugly old woman was revealed, and she was drawn back into her seal in the new moon.

Nehellenia was reawakened by Sailor Galaxia in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, and was eventually healed by Sailor Moon.



It has been theorized that Queen Nehellenia is named after a Frisian-Roman goddess, more commonly called Nehalennia, who is affiliated with ships and seafaring and has been linked to the "Nether Moon."[1]


  • In the anime, Queen Nehellenia was the only main villain whose story began in one season and concluded in the next.


  1. Dies Gaudii - The Origin of Queen Nehellenia's Name - Ian Andreas Miller
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