Sailor Moon in Greece

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Sailor Moon in Greece refers to the Greek language dub of the Sailor Moon anime which aired in Greece beginning in 1995. Greece was one of the first countries in the world to air a foreign-language dub of the anime on television.

The anime first aired on the channel ANT1, and became very popular among young viewers and teenagers. Two episodes were broadcast every week, on Saturday and Sunday; though the hour changed twice it was always aired in the morning hours between 9 and 11 a.m. Each episode lasted for about twenty minutes, eliminating the eyecatches, but adding commercial breaks between scenes that faded in and out. The final episode was broadcast in 1998. After repeating the last three seasons, ANT1 aired Sailor Moon for the last time in early 2000. There were some changes and censorship, but overall the dub stayed very close to the original Japanese version.

In late 2002 the show was licensed again, this time for broadcast on Star Channel. The show was re-dubbed with a completely new cast of voice actors and aired at different hours. Star Channel broadcast one episode each day at 7:30 a.m. and sometimes at 8:30 a.m. This broadcast kept the episode run time to 20 minutes, and the script was more or less the same as the one used for the ANT1 dub. Since it was a completely new dub it drew more attention, but many fans criticized the fact that old mistakes were not fixed in the script, the quality of the voice acting, and the broadcast times. The second dub ended with episode 88 in late 2003.

After that, Star Channel started re-broadcasting the show from the beginning up to episode 86, though some episodes were replayed. The hours and dates of broadcast also changed several times during this period. This repeated many times, until episode 88 aired for the last time on Monday, June 20, 2006.

General Dub Issues

Fans praised the ANT1 Greek dub for its cast and dubbing direction, though since there were only a few voice actors many of the characters had similar voices, and the casting changed even within the same episode. Bunny was one of the few characters to have consistent voice direction. All of the villains had echo and pitch change effects applied to their voices, which could make them difficult to understand. Also, some of the alterations to the dialogue made a few conversations sound out of context: for example, in episode 78 Artemis claimed that Makoto had accompanied Minako to Ami's home instead of saying that Minako had separately visited both Makoto's and Ami's homes.

Also, due to a translation mistake, Sailor Mercury was named "Sailor Kronos" (the name for Sailor Saturn) for the first two seasons and a few episodes of Sailor Moon S. Even after the talk about the Messiah of Silence who was actually Sailor Saturn herself, there were a few occasions where Mercury was still called "Kronos."

Zoisite remained a male, but he and Kunzite were depicted as close friends. Fisheye became female, but the moment where "he" showed his chest was kept, and episode 140 remained uncensored. Zirconia became male. Artemis was female in the first episodes, but later was male. The Three Lights had male voices that turned into female voices after they transformed into the Sailor Starlights. Haruka and Michiru were depicted as close friends, similar to Zoisite and Kunzite.

The Star Channel dub had a larger cast than its predecessor, but the voice direction was considered to be poor by fans. The voice alterations for the villains were removed, though the translation and dialogue issues persisted.

Music, Openings, and Endings

The ANT1 dub kept the original opening but with a different logo, and the opening and ending theme songs were replaced by a translated version of "Moonlight Densetsu" called "Eimai ego i sailor moon" ("I Am Sailor Moon"). None of the other theme songs were ever translated or used. For the first season and the first few episodes of Sailor Moon R, the opening animation was the same as the original first version of the opening. The first and second versions of the original R season opening animation were used for the rest of the Greek-dubbed R season, and the early episodes of the S season used the third version of the original S season opening. All later episodes, however, used the second version of the R season opening.

The Star Channel dub kept the original openings and endings and did not make any changes, although from episode 10 until the end, the original song was replaced by an instrumental version.

Character Names

Original Greek
Usagi Tsukino Bunny Tsukino (Μπάνι Τσουκίνο)
Tuxedo Mask Maskoforos (Μασκοφόρος) (ANT1 dub)
Agori me ti maska (Αγόρι με τη μάσκα) (Star Channel dub)
Ipotis tu Fegarofotos (Ιππότης του Φεγγαρόφωτος)
Luna Feggaro (Φεγγάρω) (ANT1 dub, first few episodes only)
Luna (Λούνα) (ANT1 dub, later episodes)
Feggarenia (Φεγγαρένια) (Star Channel dub)
Sailor Mercury Sailor Kronos (Σέιλορ Κρόνος) (first season and R)
Sailor Ermis (Σείλορ Ερμής) (S, SuperS, and Stars)
Sailor Mars Sailor Aris (Σέιλορ Άρης)
Sailor Jupiter Sailor Dhias (Σέιλορ Δίας)
Sailor Venus Sailor Aphroditi (Σέιλορ Αφροδίτη)
Sailor Pluto Sailor Ploútonas (Σέιλορ Πλούτωνας)
Sailor Uranus Sailor Uranos (Σέιλορ Ουρανός)
Sailor Neptune Sailor Posidοnas (Σέιλορ Ποσειδώνας)
Sailor Neptune (Σέιλορ Νέπτιουν)
Sailor Saturn Sailor Kronos (Σέιλορ Κρόνος)
Sailor Star Fighter Sailor Star Fighter (Σέιλορ Σταρ Φάιτερ)
Sailor Mahitis (Σέιλορ Μαχητής)
Sailor Star Healer Sailor Star Healer (Σέιλορ Σταρ Χίλερ)
Sailor Therapeftis (Σέιλορ Θεραπευτής)
Sailor Star Maker Sailor Star Maker (Σέιλορ Σταρ Μέικερ)
Sailor Dimiuryos (Σέιλορ Δημιουργός)
Zoisite Zucite (Ζουσάιτ)
Nephrite Nephlitis (Νεφλίτης)
Kunzite Kanchite (Καντσάιτ)
Jadeite Jedite (Τζεντάιτ)
Tiger's Eye Tiger's Eye (Τάιγκερς Άι)
Fisheye Fisheye (Φις Άι)
Hawk's Eye Hawk's Eye (Χοκς Άι)
Ail Ale (Άλε)
An An (Αν)
Rubeus Rubeas (Ρουμπέας)
Koan Kermesite (Κερμισάιτ)
Berthier Berthierite (Μπερθιεράιτ)
Calaveras Calaverite (Καλαβεράιτ)
Petz Petzite (Πεντζάιτ)
Wiseman Sofos (Σοφός)
Professor Souichi Tomoe Kathigitis Soitsi Tomoe (Καθηγητής Σοϊτσι Τομόε)
Kaolinite Caorinite/Caory (Καορινάιτ/Καόρη)
Eudial Efyelia (Ευγελία)
Sailor Iron Mouse Sailor Sitherenio Pontiki (Σέιλορ Σιδερένιο Ποντίκι)
Sailor Aluminum Seiren Sailor Siren (Σέιλορ ΑλουμινάΣερεν/Σερέν)
Sailor Lead Crow Sailor Crow (Σέιλορ ΛέντKλο/Κλο)
Sailor Tin Nyanko Sailor Nyanko (Σέιλορ Τινιάνκο/Νιάνκο)

Transformations and Attacks

Sailor Moon

Original Greek Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού, μεταμόρφωσε με! (ANT1)
Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού, άλλαξε με! (Star Channel)
Moon Power, Transform me!
Moon Power, Change me!
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up Δύναμη του φεγγαριού, μεταμόρφωσε με!
Κρυστάλλου του φεγγαριού, μεταμόρφωσε με!
Moon Power, Transform me!
Moon Crystal, Transform me!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up Κοσμική Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού, μεταμόρφωσε με!
Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού, Μεταμόρφωσε με!
Moon Cosmic Power, Transform me!
Moon Power, Transform me!
Crisis, Make Up Η κρίση να αποκατασταθεί!
Να περάσει η κρίση!
Crisis, Restore (me)!
Passing the Crisis!
Moon Crisis, Make Up Με τη Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού!
Με τη βοήθεια του Φεγγαριού!
Δύναμη του φεγγαριού, Μεταμόρφωσε!
With the Moon Power!
With the Help of the Moon!
Moon Power, Transform me!
Moon Eternal, Make Up Με την αιώνια δύναμη του Φεγγαριού!
Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού, μεταμόρφωσε με!
Με τη δύναμη του Φεγγαριού!
By the Moon Eternal Power!
Moon Power, Transform me!
With the Moon Power!
Moon Tiara Action Τιάρα του Φεγγαριού, δράση!
Τιάρα, δράση!
Με τη δύναμη της τιάρας του Φεγγαριού! (episode 163)
Moon Tiara, Action!
Tiara, Action!
By the Moon Tiara Power!
Moon Tiara Stardust Τιάρα του Φεγγαριού, ρίξε Αστρική Σκόνη! Moon Tiara, Throw Stardust!
Moon Healing Escalation Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού, Θεράπευσέ Τον/Τη(ν)! Moon Power, Heal him/her!
Moon Princess Halation Πριγκίπισσα του Φεγγαριού εξαφάνισε! Moon Princess Eliminate!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack Καρδιά του Φεγγαριού, επίθεση! Moon Heart, Attack!
Rainbow Moon Heartache Καρδιά του Φεγγαριού του Ουράνιου Τόξου!
Ουράνιο Τόξο, σε καλώ τώρα!
Καρδιά του Φεγγαριού, επίθεση!
Rainbow, Moon Heart!
Rainbow, I invoke you now!
Moon Heart, Attack!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation Υπέροχος Διαλογισμός της Σελήνης! Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss Με τη βοήθεια του Φεγγαριού: Θεραπευτικό Φιλί! With the help of the Moon: Therapy Kiss!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss Ασημένιο Φεγγάρι: Κρυστάλλινο Φιλί!
Θεραπευτικό Φιλί του Φεγγαριού!
Κρυστάλλινο Φιλί του Φεγγαριού!
Silver Moon: Crystal Kiss!
Moon Therapy Kiss!
Moon Crystal Kiss! (episodes 190 and 191)

Sailor Mercury

Original Greek Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up Δύναμη του Κρόνου, μεταμόρφωσε με! Saturn Power, Transform me!
Mercury Star Power, Make Up Δύναμη του Κρόνου, μεταμόρφωσε με!
Ισχυρό αστέρι του Ερμή! (episode 122)
Δύναμη του Ερμή, μεταμόρφωσε με!
Saturn Power, Transform me!
Mercury Powerful Star!
Mercury Power, Transform me!
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up Με τη βοήθεια του Ερμή! With the help of Mercury!
Sabão Spray Εμπρός,Ομίχλη ! (ANT1)
Εμπρός, Σαπούνι! (ANT1)
Εμπρός, Σπρέι Σαπουνιού! (Star Channel)
Forward, Mist!
Forward, Soap!
Forward, Soap Spray!
Shine Aqua Illusion Λάμψε, Νερό των Παραισθήσεων!
Δύναμη του Λαμπερού Νερού!
Shine, Illusory Water!
Sparkling Water Power!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody Νερό! Με τη βοήθεια του Νερού!
Ερμής! Με τη βοήθεια του Ερμή!
Water! With the help of water!
Mercury! With the help of Mercury!

Sailor Mars

Original Greek Translation
Mars Power, Make Up Δύναμη του Άρη, μεταμόρφωσε με! Mars Power, Transform me!
Mars Star Power, Make Up (Αστρική) δύναμη του Άρη, μεταμόρφωσε με! Mars (Star) Power, Transform me!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up Με τη βοήθεια του Άρη! With the help of Mars!
Fire Soul Εμπρός, Φωτιά! Forward, Fire!
Burning Mandala Κύκλος της Φωτιάς
(Εμπρός),Φλεγόμενα δαχτυλίδια!
Εμπρός, Φωτιά!
Fire Circle
Flaming Rings!
Forward, Fire!
Mars Flame Sniper Άρη, με τη φωτιά
φλόγα του Άρη!
Με τη βοήθεια του Άρη!
Mars, With the Fire
Flame of Mars!
With the help of Mars!

Sailor Jupiter

Original Greek Translation
Jupiter Power, Make Up Δύναμη του Δία, μεταμόρφωσε με! Jupiter Power, Transform me!
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up Αστρική δύναμη του Δία, Μεταμόρφωσε με! Jupiter Star Power, Transform me!
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up Με τη βοήθεια του Δία!
Με τη δύναμη του Κρυστάλλου του Κρόνου!
With the help of Jupiter!
With Saturn Crystal Power!
Supreme Thunder Εμπρός, Μεγάλε Κεραυνέ! Forward, Great Thunder!
Sparkling Wide Pressure Αστραφτερή δύναμη πίεσης!
Σπινθυροβόλα Πίεση κύματος!
Shining Pressure Power!
Sparkling Wave Pressure!
Jupiter Oak Evolution Με τη λαμπερή δύναμη του Κρόνου!
Δία! Με τη βοήθεια του Δία!
With the brilliant power of Saturn!
Jupiter! With the help of Jupiter!

Sailor Venus

Original Greek Translation
Venus Power, Make Up Δύναμη της Αφροδίτης, μεταμόρφωσε με! Venus Power, Transform me!
Venus Star Power, Make Up Αστρική δύναμη της Αφροδίτης, μεταμόρφωσε με! Venus Star Power, Transform me!
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up Με τη βοήθεια της Αφροδίτης!
Με τη δύναμη του Κρυστάλλου της Αφροδίτης!
With the help of Venus!
With Venus Crystal Power!
Crescent Beam Εμπρός, Μισοφέγγαρο! Forward, Half-moon!
Venus Love-Me Chain Αφροδίτη, Αλυσίδα Αγάπης!
Αλυσίδα Αγάπης της Αφροδίτης!
Αγάπη της Αφροδίτης, φτιάξε αλυσίδα! (episode 123)
Εμπρός, Μισοφέγγαρο!
Εμπρός,Αλυσίδα Αγάπης!
Εμπρός,Αλυσίδα της Αγάπης!
Venus, Love Chain!
Love Chain of Venus!
Love of Venus, create a chain!
Forward, Half-moon!
Forward, Half-moon!
Forward,Love Chain!
Forward,Chain of love!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock Με τη δύναμη και την ομορφιά της Αφροδίτης!
Αφροδίτη! Με τη δύναμη της Αφροδίτης!
With the Power and Beauty of Venus!
Venus! With the Power of Venus!

Sailor Chibi Moon

Original Greek Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Δύναμη του φεγγαριού, Μεταμόρφωσε με! Moon Power, Transform me!
Moon Crisis, Make Up Με τη Δύναμη του Φεγγαριού!
Με την βοήθεια του Φεγγαριού!
With the Moon Power!
With the Help of the Moon!
Pink Sugar Heart Attack Ροζ Ζαχαρενια Καρδιά, Επίθεση! Pink Sugar Heart, Attack!

Sailor Uranus

Original Greek Translation
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up Πλανητική δύναμη του Ουρανού, μεταμόρφωσε με!
(Με τη) Δύναμη του Ουρανού(, μεταμόρφωσε με!)
Uranus Planetary Power, Transform me!
(By) Uranus Power(, Transform me!)
World Shaking Ουρανέ, τρέμε!
Ο κόσμος τρέμει!
Παγκόσμια Δύναμη! (episode 167)
Με τη δύναμη του Ουρανού! (episodes 190 and 198)
Sky, shake!
The World is Shaking!
Universal Power!
With the power of Uranus!
Space Sword Blaster Ξίφος του Διαστήματος! Space Sword!

Sailor Neptune

Original Greek Translation
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up Πλανητική δύναμη του Ποσειδώνα, μεταμόρφωσε με!
(Με τη) Δύναμη του Ποσειδώνα(, Μεταμόρφωσε με!)
Neptune Planetary Power, Transform me!
(By) Neptune Power(, Transform me!)
Deep Submerge Βαθιά Κατάδυση!
Μεγάλος Κατακλυσμός. (episode 119)
Με τη δύναμη του Ποσειδώνια! (episodes 190 and 197)
Deep Submerge!
Big cataclysm.
With the power of Neptune!

Sailor Pluto

Original Greek Translation
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up (Με τη) Δύναμη του Πλούτωνα (, Μεταμόρφωσε με!) Pluto Power (, Transform me!)
Dead Scream Νεκρή Κραυγή!
Μεγάλη κραυγή! (episode 119)
Dead Scream!
Big Scream!

Sailor Star Fighter

Original Greek Translation
Fighter Star Power, Make Up (Με την) Πολεμική δύναμη των άστρων!
Με τη δύναμη των άστρων! (episode 194)
(With the) Fighing Power of the stars!
With the power of the stars!
Star Serious Laser Με τη δύναμη των άστρων!
Λέιζερ των άστρον, κλείσε!
With the power of the stars!
Endowed Stars' Laser!

Sailor Star Healer

Original Greek Translation
Healer Star Power, Make Up (Με τη) θεραπευτική δύναμη των άστρων! (With the) Healer Power of the star!
Star Sensitive Inferno Με τη δύναμη των άστρων! With the power of the star!

Sailor Star Maker

Original Greek Translation
Maker Star Power, Make Up (Με τη) Δημιουργική δύναμη των άστρων! (With the) Creative Power of the stars!
Star Gentle Uterus Με τη δύναμη τον άστρων! With the power of the stars!


  • The opening theme song for the ANT1 dub was sung by a school teacher named Anna Merkouri (Άννα Μερκούρη).