Star Garden

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The Star Gardeners in the Star Garden
in the manga

The Star Garden (スターガーデン) was a place mentioned only in the Sailor Moon manga and Sailor Moon Crystal. It appeared outside the front steps of Galactica Palace when Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon, Princess Kakyuu, and the Sailor Quartet arrived there in Act 57 and Sailor Moon Cosmos.

The Star Gardeners in the Star Garden in Crystal

When they arrived they saw several crystals that resembled the Garden Crystal, but which did not actually contain Sailor Crystals. The Star Gardeners, Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi, guarded it against Sailor Moon and her companions and suggested that it was eager to acquire their Sailor Crystals. Sailor Kakyuu used her attack to destroy the fake crystals, and was disappointed to see that they did not contain the Sailor Starlights' Sailor Crystals.

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