Kunihiko Ikuhara

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Kunihiko Ikuhara (幾原邦彦), nicknamed "Ikuni" (イクニ), born December 21, 1964, in Tokushima, Japan, is arguably the most well-known Sailor Moon director. His signatures seem to be an offbeat sense of humor, like in episode 31; a refusal to shy away from themes others might feel too "dark" for a children's show, as shown in episodes 46 and 110; and the use of a high number of frames per second for seemingly insignificant scenes, such as in episode 26 and the aforementioned episode 31.[1]

The series which many believe to be his defining or signature work is Shoujo Kakumei Utena. Themes from his original idea for the Sailor Moon SuperS movie were later used in this series.[2]

Series Directed[edit]

Episodes Directed[edit]

Movies Directed[edit]

External Links[edit]


  1. "Ikuhara Kunihiko," Hitoshi Doi
  2. "Interview with Kunihiko Ikuhara," UR Anime Club