Link Techs
Revision as of 18:25, 11 May 2016 by Kerochan no Miko (talk | contribs)
Link Techs (リンク技) were combination attacks available in Sailor Moon: Another Story in which two or more Sailor Senshi could combine their powers into a single attack.
The player could select up to three Senshi together to see if they were compatible for a link tech. If so, the new attack became available in the appropriate menu during battle. This was the only way to obtain link techs.
Attack | Senshi | Effect |
Healing Spray (ヒーリング・スプレー) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Mercury | Protected a single Senshi from status ailments |
Spiral Fire (スパイラル・ファイヤー) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Mars | Damaged multiple enemies |
Healing Pressure (ヒーリング・プレッシャー) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Jupiter | Restored HP of the entire party |
Healing Shower (ヒリング・シャワー) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Venus | Increased attack power of the entire party |
Healing Heart Attack (ヒーリング・ハート・アタック) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Chibi Moon | Revived a single Senshi |
Rainbow Double Moon Heartache (レインボー・ダブルムーン・ハートエイク) | Super Sailor Moon + Super Sailor Chibi Moon | Damaged multiple enemies |
Spiral Shaking (スパイラル・シェイキング) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Uranus | Damaged multiple enemies |
Spiral Reflection (スパイラル・リフレクション) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Neptune | Damaged a single enemy |
Spiral Scream (スパイラル・スクリーム) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Pluto | Damaged multiple enemies |
Spiral Revolution (スパイラル・レボリューション) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Saturn | Revived a single Senshi |
Shine Soul (シャイン・ソウル) | Sailor Mercury + Sailor Mars | Damaged a single enemy |
Sabão Thunder (シャボン・サンダー) | Sailor Mercury + Sailor Jupiter | Damaged a single enemy |
Sabão Chain (シャボン・チェーン) | Sailor Mercury + Sailor Venus | Damaged a single enemy |
Shine Submerge (シャイン・サブマージ) | Sailor Mercury + Sailor Neptune | Damaged multiple enemies |
Sabão Scream (シャボン・スクリーム) | Sailor Mercury + Sailor Pluto | Damaged multiple enemies |
Fire Dragon (ファイヤー・ドラゴン) | Sailor Mars + Sailor Jupiter | Damaged a single enemy |
Fire Scream (ファイヤー・スクリーム) | Sailor Mars + Sailor Pluto | Damaged a single enemy |
Crescent Thunder (クレッセント・サンダー) | Sailor Venus + Sailor Jupiter | Damaged a single enemy |
Love-Me Bird (ラブ・ミー・バード) | Sailor Venus + Sailor Mars | Damaged multiple enemies |
Crescent Revolution (クレッセント・レボリューション) | Sailor Venus + Sailor Saturn | Damaged multiple enemies |
Thunder Shaking (サンダー・シェイキング) | Sailor Jupiter + Sailor Uranus | Damaged a single enemy |
Pink Sugar Illusion (ピンクシュガー・イリュージョン) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Mercury | Restored HP of the entire party |
Pink Sugar Soul (ピンクシュガー・ソウル) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Mars | Damaged multiple enemies |
Pink Sugar Thunder (ピンクシュガー・サンダー) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Jupiter | Damaged a single enemy |
Pink Sugar Chain (ピンクシュガー・チェーン) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Venus | Damaged a single enemy |
Pink Sugar Blaster (ピンクシュガー・ブラスター) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Uranus | Damaged a single enemy |
Pink Sugar Reflection (ピンクシュガー・リフレクション) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Neptune | Damaged a single enemy |
Pink Sugar Typhoon (ピンクシュガー・タイフーン) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Pluto | Damaged multiple enemies |
Pink Sugar Revolution (ピンクシュガー・レボリューション) | Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Saturn | Restored HP of the entire party |
Deep Shaking (ディープ・シェイキング) | Sailor Neptune + Sailor Uranus | Damaged multiple enemies |
Deep Scream (ディープ・スクリーム) | Sailor Neptune + Sailor Pluto | Damaged multiple enemies |
Dead Shaking (デッド・シェイキング) | Sailor Pluto + Sailor Uranus | Damaged multiple enemies |
Stardust Stream Attack (スターダスト・ストリーム・アタック) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Mercury + Sailor Mars | Damaged multiple enemies |
Rainbow Heart Shower (レインボー・ハート・シャワー) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Venus | Restored HP of the entire party |
Rainbow Heart Revolution (レインボー・ハート・レボリューション) | Sailor Moon + Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Saturn | Restored HP of the entire party |
Fire Thunder Shaking (ファイヤー・サンダー・シェイキング) | Sailor Mars + Sailor Jupiter + Sailor Uranus | Damaged multiple enemies |
Dead World Submerge (デッド・ワールド・サブマージ) | Sailor Pluto + Sailor Uranus + Sailor Neptune | Damaged multiple enemies |