Link Techs

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Link Techs (リンク技) were combination attacks available in Sailor Moon: Another Story in which two or more Sailor Senshi could combine their powers into a single attack.

The player could select up to three Senshi together to see if they were compatible for a link tech. If so, the new attack became available in the appropriate menu during battle. This was the only way to obtain link techs.


Attack Senshi Effect
Healing Spray (ヒーリング・スプレー) Sailor Moon + Sailor Mercury Protected a single Senshi from status ailments
Spiral Fire (スパイラル・ファイヤー) Sailor Moon + Sailor Mars Damaged multiple enemies
Healing Pressure (ヒーリング・プレッシャー) Sailor Moon + Sailor Jupiter Restored HP of the entire party
Healing Shower (ヒリング・シャワー) Sailor Moon + Sailor Venus Increased attack power of the entire party
Healing Heart Attack (ヒーリング・ハート・アタック) Sailor Moon + Sailor Chibi Moon Revived a single Senshi
Rainbow Double Moon Heartache (レインボー・ダブルムーン・ハートエイク) Super Sailor Moon + Super Sailor Chibi Moon Damaged multiple enemies
Spiral Shaking (スパイラル・シェイキング) Sailor Moon + Sailor Uranus Damaged multiple enemies
Spiral Reflection (スパイラル・リフレクション) Sailor Moon + Sailor Neptune Damaged a single enemy
Spiral Scream (スパイラル・スクリーム) Sailor Moon + Sailor Pluto Damaged multiple enemies
Spiral Revolution (スパイラル・レボリューション) Sailor Moon + Sailor Saturn Revived a single Senshi
Shine Soul (シャイン・ソウル) Sailor Mercury + Sailor Mars Damaged a single enemy
Sabão Thunder (シャボン・サンダー) Sailor Mercury + Sailor Jupiter Damaged a single enemy
Sabão Chain (シャボン・チェーン) Sailor Mercury + Sailor Venus Damaged a single enemy
Shine Submerge (シャイン・サブマージ) Sailor Mercury + Sailor Neptune Damaged multiple enemies
Sabão Scream (シャボン・スクリーム) Sailor Mercury + Sailor Pluto Damaged multiple enemies
Fire Dragon (ファイヤー・ドラゴン) Sailor Mars + Sailor Jupiter Damaged a single enemy
Fire Scream (ファイヤー・スクリーム) Sailor Mars + Sailor Pluto Damaged a single enemy
Crescent Thunder (クレッセント・サンダー) Sailor Venus + Sailor Jupiter Damaged a single enemy
Love-Me Bird (ラブ・ミー・バード) Sailor Venus + Sailor Mars Damaged multiple enemies
Crescent Revolution (クレッセント・レボリューション) Sailor Venus + Sailor Saturn Damaged multiple enemies
Thunder Shaking (サンダー・シェイキング) Sailor Jupiter + Sailor Uranus Damaged a single enemy
Pink Sugar Illusion (ピンクシュガー・イリュージョン) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Mercury Restored HP of the entire party
Pink Sugar Soul (ピンクシュガー・ソウル) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Mars Damaged multiple enemies
Pink Sugar Thunder (ピンクシュガー・サンダー) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Jupiter Damaged a single enemy
Pink Sugar Chain (ピンクシュガー・チェーン) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Venus Damaged a single enemy
Pink Sugar Blaster (ピンクシュガー・ブラスター) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Uranus Damaged a single enemy
Pink Sugar Reflection (ピンクシュガー・リフレクション) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Neptune Damaged a single enemy
Pink Sugar Typhoon (ピンクシュガー・タイフーン) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Pluto Damaged multiple enemies
Pink Sugar Revolution (ピンクシュガー・レボリューション) Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Saturn Restored HP of the entire party
Deep Shaking (ディープ・シェイキング) Sailor Neptune + Sailor Uranus Damaged multiple enemies
Deep Scream (ディープ・スクリーム) Sailor Neptune + Sailor Pluto Damaged multiple enemies
Dead Shaking (デッド・シェイキング) Sailor Pluto + Sailor Uranus Damaged multiple enemies
Stardust Stream Attack (スターダスト・ストリーム・アタック) Sailor Moon + Sailor Mercury + Sailor Mars Damaged multiple enemies
Rainbow Heart Shower (レインボー・ハート・シャワー) Sailor Moon + Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Venus Restored HP of the entire party
Rainbow Heart Revolution (レインボー・ハート・レボリューション) Sailor Moon + Sailor Chibi Moon + Sailor Saturn Restored HP of the entire party
Fire Thunder Shaking (ファイヤー・サンダー・シェイキング) Sailor Mars + Sailor Jupiter + Sailor Uranus Damaged multiple enemies
Dead World Submerge (デッド・ワールド・サブマージ) Sailor Pluto + Sailor Uranus + Sailor Neptune Damaged multiple enemies