Sailor Moon in Hong Kong

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Sailor Moon in Hong Kong refers to Sailor Moon translations and merchandise released in Hong Kong. This includes a Cantonese dubbed version of the anime, as well as traditional Chinese versions of the manga and anime film comics. The Cantonese title was Mei Siu Neoi Zin Si (美少女戰士), a direct transcription of "Bishoujo Senshi" (美少女戦士).


Translations and Channels[edit]

Hong Kong was one of the first Asian countries outside of Japan to screen the Sailor Moon anime. It was originally released starting in 1993 on VHS and laserdisc by Aiko Animation. All five seasons, movies and specials were dubbed and released, and the movies also included Chinese subtitles.

The anime was broadcast in its entirety by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), with a new Cantonese dub, starting on July 8, 1994. All five seasons, movies, and the specials were dubbed and broadcast. The first season finished on September 9 of the same year; Sailor Moon R began the following day, September 10, 1994, and ended on January 21, 1995. Sailor Moon S first aired on July 8, 1995, and ended on September 30, 1995. Sailor Moon SuperS did not air until July 14, 1997, ending October 15 of that year. The final season premiered on July 11, 1998, and ended March 13, 1999. This dub was produced by TVB.

TVB's J2 channel began airing the anime once more in high definition on August 13, 2010, but only the first four seasons were broadcast.

Censorship and Changes[edit]

Aiko Animation's release was completely uncut, though there were some background music changes.

There were some changes in the original TVB TV airings, including:

  • All of the episode previews, introductory segments, pre-title card segments, and next episode sequences were removed in the first season. Later seasons included the pre-title card segments, and the episode preview segments were sporadically included.

Sailor Moon[edit]

  • The title card sequence only appeared beginning with episode 16. The episode titles were announced in a voiceover, and were often different from the written title.
  • In episode 16, the music for the entire group transformation used a loop of the first nine seconds of the music of Moon Prism Power, Make Up.
  • In episode 24, shots that showed Nephrite's shoulder wound were cut.

Sailor Moon R[edit]

  • From the second season on, the transformation sequences for Sailor Senshi other than Sailor Moon were shortened, even though the same sequences were included in full throughout the first season.
  • An running into the road full of cars in episode 48 was completely removed.
  • In episode 60, scenes of Usagi and Mamoru kissing, Chibiusa pointing a gun to Usagi's head, and Usagi and Chibiusa being nude in the bath, as well as references to Chibiusa using a sleeping potion to drug the girls, were reduced or removed.
  • In episode 63, the Japanese-language magazine, several scenes depicting attractive women in Rei's grandfather's fantasies and his lustful expressions, longer scenes of women fighting each other or being beaten up by the Droid Dumble, and Rei being attacked by Dumble were all removed. Rei's new transformation sequence was also shortened.
  • In episode 65, extended scenes of Usagi drinking the love potion challenge were removed, and Makoto and Minako's new transformation sequences were shortened.
  • In episode 80, all scenes with Esmeraude taking a bath were cut, as well as direct shots of Makoto being grabbed by a male student.
  • In episode 81, direct shots of Momoko hitting Chibiusa and other students were cut.

Sailor Moon S[edit]

  • In episode 93, Usagi asking Michiru if she intended to become a professional violinist was cut.
  • In episode 96, Makoto being entangled in Scar's ribbons was cut.
  • In episode 98, the initial detailed full body shots of Tiren were cut, including Tiren announcing her taking of the Pure Heart Crystal and Neptune announcing that things won't go Tiren's way.
  • In episode 104, scenes with Shinnosuke removing his pants, flashing Chibiusa, and being chastised by his mother were removed.


Aiko Animation's dub featured the original opening and ending theme songs. The theme songs used by TVB included:

  • "Wu Ke Dang" (Unstoppable): ending theme song for the third season
  • "月亮下禱告" (Prayer Under The Moon): first ending theme song for the fourth season
  • "不必放棄" (Don't Give Up): second ending theme song for the fourth season
  • "星之旅程" (Journey Of Star): opening theme song for the fifth season
  • "風中許願" (Wish In The Wind): ending theme song for the fifth season

Character Names[edit]

Original Cantonese
Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon 月野兔 (yuet ye to) / 水手月亮 (sui sao yuet leung)
Ami Mizuno 水野亞美 (sui ye a mei)
Rei Hino 火野麗 (foh ye lai)
Makoto Kino 木野真琴 (muk ye jan kam)
Minako Aino 愛野美奈子 (oi ye mei noi ji)
Chibiusa 豆釘兔 (dau deng to)
Haruka Tenou 天王遙 (tin wong yiu)
Michiru Kaiou 海王美智留 (hoi wong mei ji lau)
Setsuna Meiou 冥王雪奈 (ming wong suet noi)
Hotaru Tomoe 土萌螢 (to mang ying)
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask 地場衛/禮服幪面俠 (dei cheung wai/lai fuk mung min hap)
Chibi Chibi 小兔子 (siu to ji)
Luna 露娜 (lo na)
Artemis 亞提密斯 (a tai mat si)
Diana 戴安娜 (daai on na)
Pegasus/Helios 獨角馬/艾里奧斯 (duk gok ma/ngaai lei o si)
Princess Kakyuu 火球公主 (foh kau gung jue)
Kou Seiya 星野光 (sing ye gwong)
Kou Yaten 夜天光 (ye tin gwong)
Kou Taiki 大氣光 (daai hei gwong)
Queen Beryl 貝爾女王 (booi yi nui wong)
Queen Metalia 米達利亞女王 (mai daat lei a nui wong)
Jadeite 積達 (jik daat)
Nephrite 拿拉達 (na laai daat)
Zoisite 賽西達 (choi sai daat)
Kunzite 古舒達 (goo sue daat)
Makaiju 魔界樹 (moh gaai sue)
Ali 艾羅 (ngaai loh)
An 艾欣 (ngaai yan)
Wiseman 韋斯曼 (wai si maan)
Prince Dimande 狄文王子 (dik man wong ji)
Rubeus 勞柏戶士 (lo paak woo si)
Saphir 沙菲爾 (sa fei yi)
Esmeraude 艾斯美露 (ngaai si mei lo)
Pharaoh 90 法蘭克90 (faat laan haak gau sap)
Mistress 9 女主人9號 (nui jue yan gau ho)
Professor Souichi Tomoe 土萌創一教授 (to mang chong yat gaau sau)
Kaolinite 嘉安莉蘭特 (ga on lei laan dak)
Eudial 尤迪愛 (yau dik oi)
Mimete 美媚特 (mei mei dak)
Tellu 天露露 (tin lou lou)
Viluy 比絲依 (bei si yi)
Ptilol 迪萊利 (dik loi lei)
Cyprine 舒古玲 (syu gu ling)
Queen Nehellenia 納莉妮亞女王/尼希莉妮亞女王 (naap lei nei a nui wong/nei hei lei nei a nui wong)
Zirconia 節哥里亞/時羅科亞 (jit goh lei a/si loh foh a)
Tiger's Eye 老虎眼 (lo foo ngaan)
Hawk's Eye 禿鷹眼 (tuk ying ngaan)
Fisheye 美魚眼 (mei yue ngaan)
Galaxia 嘉拉西亞 (ga laai sai a)
Chaos 混沌 (wan dun)

Transformations and Attacks[edit]

The following phrases are from the TVB dub.

Sailor Moon[edit]

Original Cantonese Transliteration Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up 月稜鏡力量,變身 Yuè léng jìng lìliàng, biàn shēn Moon Prism Power, Transform
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up 月水晶力量,變身 Yuè shuǐjīng lìliàng, biàn shēn Moon Crystal Power, Transform
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up 月宇宙力量,變身 Yuè yǔzhòu lìliàng, biàn shēn Moon Cosmic Power, Transform
Crisis, Make Up 彩蝶幻化,變身 Cǎi dié huànhuà, biàn shēn Colorful Butterfly Illusion, Transform
Moon Crisis, Make Up 月光幻彩,變身 Yuèguāng huàn cǎi, biàn shēn Moonlight Magic Color, Transform
Moon Eternal, Make Up 永恆月光,變身 Yǒnghéng yuèguāng, biàn shēn Eternal Moonlight, Transform
Moon Tiara Action 月冕飛擊 Yuè miǎn fēi jī Moon Crown Flying Attack
Moon Tiara Stardust 月冕星塵 Yuè miǎn xīng chén Moon Crown Stardust
Moon Healing Escalation 月光昇華洗禮 Yuèguāng shēnghuá xǐlǐ Moonlight Sublimation Baptism
Moon Princess Halation 月公主華光 Yuè gōngzhǔ huá guāng Moon Princess Flower Light
Moon Spiral Heart Attack 月光螺旋愛心攻擊 Yuèguāng luóxuán àixīn gōngjí Moonlight Spiral Love Attack
Rainbow Moon Heartache 彩虹月光愛心攻擊 Cǎihóng yuèguāng àixīn gōngjí Rainbow Moonlight Love Attack
Moon Gorgeous Meditation 月光華麗魅影 Yuèguāng huálì mèiyǐng Moonlight Gorgeous Phantom
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss 甜蜜月影星暉復原華光 Tiánmì yuè yǐngxīng huī fùyuán huá guāng Sweet Moonlight Starlight Therapy Flower Light
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss 銀白之月水晶力量華光 Yínbái zhī yuè shuǐjīng lìliàng huá guāng Silver Moon Crystal Power Flower Light


A Cantonese version of Sailor Moon Crystal previously aired on ViuTV under the name "美少女戰士CRYSTAL." The opening theme song was a translated version of "Moon Pride" also titled "Moon Pride," and was performed by the Cantopop band Super Girls. All seasons were dubbed and broadcast. Sailor Moon Eternal became available on Netflix with Chinese subtitles in June 3, 2021.


The manga was translated and published in Hong Kong by Jonesky Limited, under its brand name Comics World, and was released in 18 volumes.

Jonesky also published the Sailor V manga and anime film comics.


  • The TVB dub has also been shown in Singapore; likewise the Cantonese manga also was distributed in Singapore.
  • Due to a translation mistake, Michiru was originally called "man" in both dubs, but the TVB dub later corrected the error.