Sailor Moon in Portugal

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Sailor Moon in Portugal refers to the Portuguese dubs of the anime, which was renamed Navegante da Lua (a direct translation to Portuguese), and Sailor Moon Crystal.


Translation and Channels

The Portuguese dub was produced by the studio NOVAGA and was directed by António Semedo and Fernanda Figueiredo, who were both also voice actors in the dub. The anime was broadcast in its entirety from 1995 to 1998 on SIC's children's programming block Buéréré at 8:50 am, then in 2000 on TVI's children's programming block Batatoon, and finally from 2002 to 2004 Canal Panda aired only Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon SuperS, and Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. The complete series was later rebroadcast by Canal Panda beginning in March 2011.

Biggs aired the Portuguese-subtitled French dub of the first movie on April 3, 2015, and again on October 18 of the same year. The localized title of the movie was As Navegantes da Lua R: O filme - A Promessa de Uma Rosa (Sailors of the Moon R: The Movie - The Promise of a Rose).

Censorship and Changes

  • Zoisite's gender frequently changed, but his voice actor was male.


In the Portuguese version, neither "Moonlight Densetsu" nor "Sailor Star Song" were used in the opening sequences. Instead, "Heart Moving" was remade with new instrumental and Portuguese vocals. This new song, referred to as "Luna Luna" (though never officially named), was performed by Mafalda Shacchetti, and used for the opening of all five seasons. The ending songs were replaced by an instrumental version of that song as well.

"Eien no Melody," featured as an insert song in episode 54, was replaced by a song called "A Eterna Melodia" (Eternal Melody), sung by Cristina Cavalinhos, Rei's voice actress in this dub. The lyrics and melody of this song were an adaptation of the opening song.


Sailor Senshi

Original Portuguese
Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon Bunny (Berta) Tsukino/Navegante da Lua or Sailor Moon
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury Ami Miranda or Mizuno/Navegante de Mercúrio
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars Rita Hino/Navegante de Marte
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter Maria Kino/Navegante de Júpiter
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus Joana Lima/Navegante de Vénus
Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon Chibi-Usa/Navegante or Sailor Chibi Moon
Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto Susana or Setsuna Melo/Navegante de Plutão
Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus Haruka Tenou/Navegante de Úrano
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune Mariana Kaioh/Navegante de Neptuno
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn Octávia Tomé or Tomoe/Navegante de Saturno
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask Gonçalo Giba/Mascarado
Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon
Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter
Kou Taiki/Sailor Star Maker Taiki Kou/Sailor Star Maker
Kou Yaten/Sailor Star Healer Yaten Kou/Sailor Star Healer

Friends of the Senshi

Original Portuguese
Luna Luna
Artemis Artemisa
Diana Diana
Shingo Tsukino Chico
Ikuko Tsukino Lena (short for Helena)
Naru Osaka Sara Tavares
Gurio Umino Jimmy Guria
Yuuichirou Kumada Fernando
Haruna Sakurada Profesora Carolina
Motoki Furuhata Mário
Unazuki Furuhata Fernanda
Reika Nishimura Rute

First Season

Original Portuguese
Dark Kingdom Reino das Trevas
Queen Metalia Rainha Metália
Queen Beryl Rainha Peryl
Jadeite Jedite
Nephrite Neflite
Zoisite Zoisite
Kunzite Kunzite

Sailor Moon R

Original Portuguese
Makaiju Árvore do Mundo Negro
Ail/Seijuurou Ginga Ail/Sérgio Ginga
Ale/Sérgio Ginga
An/Natsumi Ginga An/Natália Ginga
Black Moon Clan Família da Lua Negra
Rubeus Rubi
Ayakashi Sisters Irmãs da Caça
Irmãs do Mal
Koan Karmesite
Berthier Bertierite
Calaveras Calaverite
Petz Petzite
Esmeraude Esmeralda
Saphir Safira
Prince Dimande Príncipe Diamante
Black Lady Black Lady
Wiseman Sábio

Sailor Moon S

Original Portuguese
Death Busters Almas Penadas
Professor Souichi Tomoe Dr. Tomoe
Kaolinite Kaorinite
Eudial Eugénia
Mimete Mimi
Tellu Marilu
Viluy Beatriz
Cyprine Sílvia
Ptilol Penélope
Mistress 9 Diretora 9
Pharaoh 90 Faraó 90

Sailor Moon SuperS

Original Portuguese
Dead Moon Circus Circo da Lua Morta
Zirconia Zircónia
Amazon Trio Trio Amazonas
Hawk's Eye Olho de Falcão
Tiger's Eye Olho de Tigre
Fisheye Olho de Peixe
Amazoness Quartet Quarteto Amazonas
CereCere Cere-Cere
PallaPalla Pála-Pála
JunJun Jun-Jun
VesVes Besu-Besu
Queen Nehellenia Rainha Nehelénia
Helios/Pegasus Hélios/Pégasos

Sailor Moon Sailor Stars

Original Portuguese
Sailor Iron Mouse Sailor Iron Mouse
Sailor Aluminum Seiren Sailor Aluminum Seiren
Sailor Lead Crow Sailor Lead Crow
Sailor Tin Nyanko Sailor Tin Nyanko
Sailor Galaxia Sailor Galáxia

Voice Actors

In the Portuguese dub, one dub actor often played several roles.

Actor Character
Fernanda Figueiredo Bunny Tsukino/Navegante da Lua/Princesa Serenidade
Chibi-Usa/Black Lady/Sailor Chibi Moon or Navegante Chibi Moon
Rainha Peryl
Rainha Serenidade (R season)
Calaverite (episode 60-65)
some background characters
Isabel Wolmar Ami Miranda (Mizuno)/Navegante de Mercúrio
Octávia Tomé (Tomoe)/Navegante de Saturno
Rainha Serenidade (first season)
Jimmy Guria
Sara's mom
Rute/Raquel (first season)
An/Natália Ginga
Calaverite (episode 66-72 and 86)
Navegante de Plutão (R season)
Rainha Nehelenia
Sailor Galáxia (evil)
Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon
most of the monsters-of-the-day
Cristina Cavalinhos Rita Hino/Navegante de Marte
Sara Tavares (Osaka)
Professora Carolina
Susana (Setsuna) Melo/Navegante de Plutão (S and Sailor Stars season)
Sailor Galáxia (good)
Sailor Tin Nyanko
a few monsters-of-the-day
Cristina Paiva Maria Kino/Navegante de Júpiter
Joana Lima/Navegante de Vénus
Sailor Lead Crow
Olga Lima Haruka Tenou/Navegante de Úrano
Michiru Kaioh/Navegante de Neptuno
Sailor Iron Mouse
Sailor Aluminum Seiren
a few monsters-of-the-day
António Semedo Luna
Bunny's father
Ail or Ale/Sérgio Ginga
Príncipe Diamante
Doutor Tomoe
Faraó 90
Olho de Tigre
a few monsters-of-the-day
Rogério Jacques Gonçalo Chiba/Mascarado/Cavaleiro do Luar/Príncipe Endymion/Rei Endymion
Rita's grandfather
Olho de Falcão
Príncipe Safira
Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter
Sábio/Fantasma da Morte
Miguel Feijão Olho de Peixe
Taiki/Sailor Star Maker
Yaten/Sailor Star Healer
Vera Sachetti Reika (SuperS season)

Transformations and Attacks

Sailor Moon

Original Portuguese Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado do Prisma Lunar! By the Sacred Power of the Moon Prism!
Moon Power ni nare! Poder Lunar, Transforma-me em/numa... Moon Power, Transform me into...
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado do Cristal Lunar!
Poder do Prisma Lunar! Transforma-me! (R movie)
By the Sacred Power of the Moon Crystal!
Moon Prism Power! Transform me!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Cósmico da Lua! By the Cosmic Power of the Moon!
Crisis, Make Up Transformação de Crise! Crisis Transformation!
Moon Crisis, Make Up Transformação de Crise! Crisis Transformation!
Moon Eternal, Make Up Transformação da Lua Eterna! Eternal Moon Transformation!
Moon Tiara Action Tiara, Ação! Tiara, Action!
Moon Tiara Stardust Tiara Lunar, Ação! Moon Tiara, Action!
Moon Healing Escalation Poder Lunar de Curar! Moon Healing Power!
Moon Princess Halation Halo da Princesa da Lua!
Cicatrização Lunar! Execução! (R movie)
Moon Princess Halo!
Moon Healing! Execution!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack Ação de Espiral Lunar!
Ataque de Espiral Lunar!
Ataque de Espiral da Lua!
Moon Spiral Action!
Moon Spiral Attack!
Moon Spiral Attack!
Rainbow Moon Heartache Ataque do Arco-Íris Lunar! Moon Rainbow Attack!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation Linda Meditação da Lua! Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss Beijo de Terapia da Luz da Lua! Moonlight Therapy Kiss!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss Um Beijo de Terapia da Luz da Lua! A Moonlight Therapy Kiss!

Sailor Mercury

Original Portuguese Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up Pelo Poder (Sagrado) de Mercúrio! By the (Sacred) Power of Mercury!
Mercury Star Power, Make Up Pelo Poder (Sagrado) de Mercúrio!
Poder de Mercúrio! Transforma-me! (R movie)
By the (Sacred) Power of Mercury!
Mercury Power! Transform me!
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up Pelo Poder do Cristal de Mercúrio! By the Power of the Mercury Crystal!
Sabão Spray Espuma de Sabão, Espalha-te! Soap Foam, Spread!
Sabão Spray Freezing Espuma de Sabão, Cristaliza-te! Soap Foam, Crystallize!
Double Sabão Spray Freezing Super Espuma de Sabão Congelante! Super Foam of Freezing Soap!
Shine Aqua Illusion Ilusão de Água Brilhante!
Espuma de Sabão, Espalha-te!
Onda de Prata! Ação, já! (R movie)
Shine Water Illusion!
Soap Foam, Spread!
Silver Wave! Action, now!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody Rapsódia da Água Mercúrio! Mercury Water Rhapsody!

Sailor Mars

Original Portuguese Translation
Mars Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Marte! By the Sacred Power of Mars!
Mars Star Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Marte!
Poder de Marte! Transforma-me! (R movie)
By the Sacred Power of Mars!
Mars Power! Transform me!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up Pelo Poder do Cristal de Marte! By the Power of the Mars Crystal!
Fire Soul Alma de Fogo(, Arde/Ação)!
Fogo Sagrado, Ação!
Alma de Fogo! Ação, já! (R movie)
Circulo de Fogo! Ação, já! (R movie)
Fire Soul(, Burn/Action)!
Sacred Fire, Action!
Fire Soul! Action, now!
Fire Circle! Action, now!
Fire Soul Bird Alma de Fogo, Alada! Fire Soul, Winged!
Burning Mandala Mandala Ardente, Ação! Burning Mandala, Action!
Mars Flame Sniper Ponta de Fogo de Marte! Mars Fire Tip!

Sailor Jupiter

Original Portuguese Translation
Jupiter Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Júpiter! By the Sacred Power of Jupiter!
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Júpiter!
Poder de Júpiter! Transforma-me! (R movie)
By the Sacred Power of Jupiter!
Jupiter Power! Transform me!
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up Pelo Poder do Cristal de Júpiter! By the Power of the Jupiter Crystal!
Supreme Thunder Supremo Trovão!
Trovão supremo! Ação, já! (R movie)
Raio supremo! Ação, já! (R movie)
Supreme Thunder!
Supreme thunder! Action, now!
Supreme Lighting! Action, now!
Supreme Thunder Dragon Supremo Trovão, Dragão! Supreme Thunder, Dragon!
Sparkling Wide Pressure Raios e Trovões!
Disco de Prata! Ação, já! (R movie)
Rays and Thunders!
Silver Disk! Action, now!
Super Supreme Thunder Super Supremo Trovão! Super Supreme Thunder!
Jupiter Oak Evolution Evolução do Núcleo de Júpiter! Jupiter Nucleus Evolution!

Sailor Venus

Original Portuguese Translation
Venus Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Vénus! By the Sacred Power of Venus!
Venus Star Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Vénus!
Poder de Vénus! Transforma-me! (R movie)
By the Sacred Power of Venus!
Venus Power! Transform me!
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up Pelo Poder do Cristal de Vénus! By the Power of the Venus Crystal!
Crescent Beam Raio Crescente!
Bastão de Amor! Ação, já! (R movie)
Crescent Beam!
Love Stick! Action, now!
Crescent Beam Shower Raio Crescente, Fortalece! Crescent Beam, Strengthen!
Venus Love-Me Chain Corrente do Amor de Vénus!
Correntes de amor! Ação, já! (R movie)
Venus Love Chain!
Love chains! Action, now!
Hissatsu Love-Me Moon Chain Corrente do Amor da Lua! Moon Love Chain!
Crescent Beam Barrage Raio Crescente de Fúria! Furious Crescent Beam!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock Amor de Vénus e Beleza Chocante! Venus Love and Shocking Beauty!

Sailor Chibi Moon

Original Portuguese Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado do Prisma Lunar! By the sacred power of Moon Prism!
Moon Crisis, Make Up Transformação de Crise! Transformation of Crisis!
Luna P Henge Luna, Transforma-te! Luna, Transform...!
Pink Sugar Heart Attack Ataque do Coração de Açúcar! Sugar Heart Attack!
Twinkle Yell Toca o Sino! Ring the Bell!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation Linda Meditação da Lua! Moon Gorgeous Meditation!

Sailor Uranus

Original Portuguese Translation
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Urano! By the Sacred Power of Uranus!
World Shaking Abalo do Mundo! World Shaking!
Space Sword Blaster Raio da Espada do Espaço! Space Sword Ray!

Sailor Neptune

Original Portuguese Translation
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Neptuno! By the Sacred Power of Neptune!
Deep Submerge Mergulho Profundo! Deep Dive!
Submarine Reflection Reflexo Submarino! Submarine Reflection!

Sailor Pluto

Original Portuguese Translation
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Plutão! By the Sacred Power of Pluto!
Dead Scream O Grito da Morte! The Dead Scream!

Sailor Saturn

Original Portuguese Translation
Silence Glaive Surprise Túmulo Silencioso, Surpresa! Silent Tomb, Surprise!
Silence Wall Parede de Silêncio! Silence Wall!

Sailor Star Fighter

Original Portuguese Translation
Fighter Star Power, Make Up Transformação do Poder da Estrela Fighter! Transformation of Star Fighter Power!
Star Serious Laser Laser Potente da Estrela! Star Powerful Laser!

Sailor Star Maker

Original Portuguese Translation
Maker Star Power, Make Up Transformação do Poder da Estrela Maker! Transformation of Star Maker Power!
Star Gentle Uterus Utensílio Generoso da Estrela! Star Generous Utensil!

Sailor Star Healer

Original Portuguese Translation
Healer Star Power, Make Up Transformação do Poder da Estrela Healer! Transformation of Star Healer Power!
Star Sensitive Inferno Inferno Sensitivo da Estrela! Star Sensitive Inferno!


Portugal was the first country to produce and air a dub of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal outside of Japan. The dub was produced at 112 Studios, located in Lisbon. The first season premiered on Biggs on May 2, 2015 and ran until June 13, 2015. After that, the first thirteen episodes were shown on repeat until the premiere of the second season on November 15, 2015. The second season ended on December 27, 2015. The third season premiered on November 19, 2016 but quickly went off air due to complaints about the changes made by the channel and did not return until June 5, 2017.

Sailor Moon Cosmos became available on Netflix with Portuguese subtitles on August 22, 2024.

Censorship and Changes

  • Sailor Uranus kissing Sailor Moon in Act 28 was cut.
  • All dialogue mentioning Sailor Uranus being both male and female in Act 32 was removed.

Those changes were later reversed when the third season was re-aired in 2017.

Voice Actors

Actor Character
Raquel Ferreira Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon
Carla García Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus
Cristina Cavalinhos Rei Hino/Sailor Mars
Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto
Queen Metallia
Sofia Brito Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter
Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon
Queen Beryl
Black Lady
Rogério Jacques Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedp Mask
Rómulo Fragoso Artemis
Prince Demande
Pharaoh 90
Professor Tomoe
Ana Vieira Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus
Bárbara Lourenço Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
Mistress 9

Transformations and Attacks

The transformation and attack phrases were initially translated, but starting with Act 7 they were left in their original form. When the first six episodes were later re-aired, they were redubbed with untranslated phrases for transformations and attacks.

Sailor Moon

Original Portuguese Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado do Prisma Lunar! By the Sacred Power of the Moon Prism!
Moon Tiara Boomerang Tiara Lunar, Ação! Moon Tiara, Action!
Moon Healing Escalation Poder Lunar de Curar! Moon Healing Power!

Sailor Mercury

Original Portuguese Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Mercúrio! By the Sacred Power of Mercury!
Mercury Aqua Mist Aqua Névoa de Mercúrio! Aqua Mist of Mercury!

Sailor Mars

Original Portuguese Translation
Mars Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Marte! By the Sacred Power of Mars!
Akuryo Taisan Espírito Demoníaco, Exorciza-te! Evil Spirit, Exorcise Yourself!

Sailor Jupiter

Original Portuguese Translation
Jupiter Power, Make Up Pelo Poder Sagrado de Júpiter! By the Sacred Power of Jupiter!
Jupiter Thunderbolt Supremo Trovão! Supreme Thunder!


  • In episode 72 of the Portuguese dub, when Usagi hid Chibiusa, background noise from the studio was audible behind the voices.
  • During commercials for Sailor Moon Crystal on Biggs, the series name was misspelled as "Criystal."
  • António Semedo, dub director and the voice of Luna et al. in the Portuguese dub, died in 2005.
  • Isabel Wolmar, the voice actress for Sailor Mercury and some other female characters in the Portuguese dub, died on July 21, 2019.