Sailor Moon in Spain

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Sailor Moon in Spain refers to the adapation of the Sailor Moon series in Spain. Because there is more than one official language in the country, the anime has been dubbed into Spanish/Castillian, the official language of the whole country, as well as Catalan and Galician.



Translation and Channels[edit]

Arait Multimedia's logo
for the Castilian dub
of the first season

Spain was one of the first foreign countries to screen the Sailor Moon anime, which premiered in the country in 1993. The anime was dubbed into Spanish by Vulpi-Yuri (first, R, and S seasons), Tecnisón (SuperS season and Sailor Moon R movie), and Arait Multimedia (Stars season). The dubbing was directed by Arturo López (Vulpi-Yuri), Ana Arbona (Tecnison), and Ángel Sacristán (Arait Multimedia), who was the dub actor for Mamoru and Artemis in the fifth season.

All five seasons were dubbed, as were the Sailor Moon R movie and the special "Make up! Sailor Senshi." The latter was included on the VHS release of the Sailor Moon R movie, although there was no mention on the cover of its existence. All of the episodes were aired without major changes. The other two movies and the remaining specials were never dubbed.

The first season was first aired on Spanish local station Antena 3 in 1993, at 9:00 am, and it was aired twice. Sailor Moon R was dubbed and aired a year later. When the last episode of Sailor Moon R was aired, with the preview of the third season, fans expected to see the new episodes the next day, but the show stopped. A year later, without trailers or publicity announcing it, the third season was aired, again in Antena 3, but at 7:00 am, an unpopular time slot. Some seasons were also aired again, in different time slots.

In the next few years, the dub studio Vulpi-Yuri ceased to exist, so the Spanish audience had to wait until 2000 to see any new episodes, although the R movie was released on VHS by Arait Multimedia through Pioneer Anime between the airing of the R and S seasons. Then Sailor Moon SuperS was dubbed by Tecnison and aired twice on the Antena 3 television station in the 7:00 am time slot.

In 2002, Arait Multimedia bought the rights to Sailor Moon, and dubbed the fifth season. Sailor Moon Sailor Stars was aired on Canal Sur 2 Andalucía, a channel from the Andalusia region (Arait Multimedia, Tecnison, and Vulpi-Yuri were based in Madrid) that could be watched in most of Spain's autonomous communities. It aired at 2:30 pm, a more favorable time slot. When the series finished its run, reruns began showing on Fox Kids and Canal Sur 2 Andalucía.

All five seasons of the anime were dubbed into Catalan, except episode 4, which was banned in the region due to content unsuitable for younger viewers. The first season premiered on K3 at 6:30 pm, on October 1, 2001, and ran until December 6. The second season started the following day, December 7, and aired until February 6, 2002. The third season was shown from February 7 through April 3, 2002, while the fourth ran from April 4 until May 28, 2002. The last season aired from May 29 until July 16, 2002. The complete series re-ran between December 23, 2013 and 2015, with a new license, on Super3. The Catalan dub has also been aired on TVO.

The first two seasons were dubbed into Galician under the name "A guerreira Lúa" (Moon Warrior) and were broadcast during the 1990s on the channel TVG, on its programming block for kids called "Club Xabarín" every Saturday at 5:55 p.m. The dub was produced by the studio Songasa.

Catalan logo for the
first season

Home Media Releases[edit]

Along with the Sailor Moon R movie, the first and second seasons of the Spanish dub were also released on VHS by the same company, each tape containing four episodes.

In July 2019, anime distributor and publisher Selecta Visión announced they would release the Sailor Moon anime on DVD and Blu-ray. It is currently unknown if their release will include only the Spanish dub or all of the dubs released in Spain.


In the Spanish version of Sailor Moon, the first four or five episodes were aired with the Spanish version of "Moonlight Densetsu," but later episodes were aired with the original version of "Moonlight Densetsu" or just with the instrumental version of the song. During the R season, the video changed to match the original, but the audio was still without vocals.

The first two episodes of the third season aired with the Spanish version of "Moonlight Densetsu," but when the opening changed to include Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune in later episodes, the original version was used instead. The fourth season kept the original opening, this time with the original Japanese theme song, but sometimes during Sailor Moon SuperS the opening from the third season was used instead. When Sailor Moon Sailor Stars was aired, it used the new song, "Sailor Star Song." Later, when Fox Kids aired the series, it featured the Spanish-dubbed version of "Moonlight Densetsu."

The ending sequences were usually aired with the original Japanese songs, but in episode 200, even though the original used "Moonlight Densetsu" as ending, the video was the usual ending of the fifth season. The rest of the songs were kept intact and in Japanese.

Excluding "Princess Moon," the first season's second ending, all theme songs were dubbed into Catalan. They were each performed by different singers, as follows:

None of the insert songs were dubbed into Catalan, and remained in the original Japanese. In episode 68, "Moon Revenge" was used in the place of "Ai no Senshi."

Only the first opening and ending song were dubbed into Galician.



Even though the show was still called "Sailor Moon" in the Spanish dub, the Senshi were called "Guerreros" (male warriors), though they were always referred to in feminine form. For example, they would say "Ella es la Guerrero Marte" (She is the Warrior Mars), even though "la" is a female article and "Guerrero" a masculine word. This is grammatically incorrect in Spanish, but no official explanation for this was given. The word "Guerrero" was followed by the name of the planet in Spanish, like "Guerrero Luna" (Sailor Moon), "Guerrero Mercurio" (Sailor Mercury), or "Guerrero Plutón" (Sailor Pluto).

Tuxedo Mask was translated as "El Señor del Antifaz." In Spanish, Lord, Sir, and Mister can be translated as "Señor," so it could be translated as "The Lord/Sir with the Mask," but it would be correct to translate as "Masked Sir/Lord."

Like many of the foreign-language adaptations, Usagi's name was "Bunny," and some released merchandise called her "Bunny Sukino." In Spanish, "Bunny" would have been "conejo," but as that has some sexual connotations, the English word was used instead. The Senshi's civilian names were mixed between the original and new Spanish names. Amy sounded like the English name, and "Ray" was just invented. Chibiusa's name was kept, even though it did not have any connection with "Bunny." Haruka was given the male name "Timmy" because it has a feminine form in Spanish (Timotea), but the diminutive "Timmy" is never used on females. Vicky, Michiru's Spanish name, is a diminutive form of "Victoria." The cats kept their original names; Artemis' name is pronounced the same in Spanish, Luna is the Spanish word for the moon, and both Luna and Diana are common Spanish names for females.

The Sailor Starlights' names were kept as well, but their order was changed; for example, "Seiya" was interpreted as the first name and "Kou" as the surname. The literal translation of their group's name would have been "Guerreros Luces Estelares/de Estrellas," but they were instead called the "Guerreros Starlights," keeping the English name.

Original Spanish
Usagi Tsukino Bunny Tsukino
Bunny Tsukino / Guerrero Luna
Mamoru Chiba Armando Chiba / Señor del Antifaz
Ami Mizuno Amy Mizuno / Guerrero Mercurio
Rei Hino Ray Hino / Guerrero Marte
Makoto Kino Patricia Kino / Guerrero Júpiter
Minako Aino Carola Aino / Guerrero Venus
Chibiusa Chibiusa / Guerrero Chibi Luna
Guerrero Chibiusa (episode 103)
Haruka Tenou Timmy Tennou / Guerrero Urano
Michiru Kaiou Vicky Kaiou / Guerrero Neptuno
Setsuna Meiou Raquel Meiou / Guerrero Plutón
Hotaru Tomoe Andrea Tomoe / Guerrero Saturno
Hotaru (episode 167)
Kou Seiya Seiya Kou / Guerrero Estelar Luchadora
Kou Yaten Yaten Kou / Guerrero Estelar Curadora
Kou Taiki Taiki Kou / Guerrero Estelar Creadora
Chibi Chibi Chibi Chibi / Guerrero Chibi Luna

The names of Usagi's family were unchanged. Naru Osaka was renamed "Cari" (diminutive of Caridad, "charity"), and almost all secondary characters were given Spanish names which are uncommon or old-sounding. Umino was called "Camilo," Motoki was "Mauricio," and Yuuichirou was "Fernando." Chibiusa's friends' names were kept the same as the original. The Dark Kingdom was called "El Reino de la Oscuridad" (The Kingdom of Darkness). Queen Beryl, Zoisite, and Kunzite kept their names, but Jadeite was changed to "Daniel," and Nephrite was "Ramiro." Youma were called "Devilsters."

Ail and An were called "Alex" and "Annie" respectively, and their surname was never given. The Makaiju was called "El Árbol de la Maldad" (The Tree of Evil) and the Cardians were called "Cartas," the Spanish word for cards.

The Black Moon Clan was dubbed as "La Familia de la Luna Negra" (Family from the Black Moon). The Spectre Sisters were renamed "Las Cuatro Hermanas de la Maldad" (The Four Sisters of Evil) and were given the names of the actual minerals from which the original names were derived, so they were Kermesite, Berthierite, Calaverite, and Petzite. Rubeus kept his name, but the other members of the Black Moon Clan were given the Spanish-translated versions of their namesake gems; Esmeraude became "Esmeralda," Saphir became "Zafiro," and Prince Demande became "Diamante." Black Lady was referred to as "La Dama Negra" (a literal translation). Wiseman's name was translated literally to "Hombre Sabio" (Wise Man). Droids were called "Droidos."

The names of most of the villains in Sailor Moon S were changed. The Death Busters were called "La Sociedad de Brujas Impías" (The Unholy Witches Society); this began as the name for the Witches 5, but was later used to refer to the entire group as well. Sometimes the Witches 5 were also called the "Brujas 5," a literal translation. Their origin was "Nebulosa Tau" (Tau Nebula). Kaolinite was called "Yuka." The Witches 5 were called Eugenia (Eudial), Mimet (Mimete), Marta (Tellu) and her Martitas (Telluns; "little Martas"), Beatriz (Viluy), Ciprin (Cyprine), and Petirol (Ptilol). The Daimons were called "Dimones." Professor Tomoe was referred to as "Doctor" or "Professor Tomoe," and was never given a first name.

In the Sailor Moon SuperS season, most of the main villains' names were kept. The only differences were the names of the Amazon Trio, which were translated into Spanish: Ojo de Halcón (Hawk's Eye), Ojo de Tigre (Tiger's Eye), and Ojo de Pez (Fisheye). Lemures were called "Remones," a word which has no meaning in Spanish.

Sailor Galaxia was called "Guerrero Galaxia," because "galaxia" is the Spanish word for galaxy. Ginga TV was dubbed "Televisión Galaxia," an exact translation. The Sailor Animamates were called "Guerreros Anima Maters," but they changed some of their Senshi's names. Sailor Iron Mouse was called "Guerrero Iron Mouse," keeping the English part. Sailor Aluminum Seiren was dubbed as "Guerrero Sirena de Aluminio." Sailor Lead Crow was called "Guerrero Garra de Cuervo" (Warrior Crow's Claw), and Sailor Tin Nyanko changed to "Guerrero Chica Miau" (Warrior Girl Meow). The Phage were called "Marionetas" (Puppets).


Most names remained unchanged in the Catalan dub. The two exceptions were Usagi, who became Bunny, likewise most European dubs, and Rei, who became Rai. Family names were untouched.

Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion's names were translated into Catalan.

Even though the show was still called "Sailor Moon", in the Catalan dub, all of the Senshi had their names translated literally into Catalan. For example, Sailor Moon became "Marinera Lluna," Sailor Uranus became "Marinera Urà," and so on.

Original Catalan
Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity Bunny Tsukino/Marinera Lluna (Sailor Moon)/Princesa Séréna
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask/Prince Endymion Mamoru Chiba/Antifaç de Gala (Gala Mask)/Prìncep Endimió
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury Ami Mizuno/Marinera Mercuri (Sailor Mercury)
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars Rai Hino/Marinera Mart (Sailor Mars)
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter Makoto Kino / Marinera Júpiter (Sailor Jupiter)
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus Minako Aino/Marinera Venus (Sailor Venus)
Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon Chibiusa/Marinera Mini-Lluna (Sailor Mini Moon)
Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus Haruka Tenou/Marinera Urà (Sailor Uranus)
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune Michiru Kaiou/Marinera Neptú (Sailor Neptune)
Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto Setsuna Meiou/Marinera Plutó (Sailor Pluto)
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn Hotaru Tomoe/Marinera Saturn (Sailor Saturn)
Queen Serenity Reina (Queen) Serena
Queen Beryl Reina (Queen) Perill
Esmeraude Maragda (Emerald)
Sailor Starlights Marineres Llum d'Estrelles (Sailor Starlights)
Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter Seiya Kou/Marinera Lluitadora de les Estrelles (Sailor Fighter from the Stars)/Lluitadora de les Estrelles (Fighter from the Stars)
Kou Yaten/Sailor Star Healer Yaten Kou/Marinera Sanadora d'Estrelles (Sailor Healer of Stars)/Sanadora d'Estrelles (Healer of Stars)
Kou Taiki/Sailor Star Maker Taiki Kou/Marinera Creadora d'Estrelles (Sailor Creator of Stars)/Creadora d'Estrelles (Creator of Stars)
Sailor Aluminum Seiren Marinera Sirena d'Alumini (Sailor Aluminium Siren)
Sailor Lead Crow Marinera Corb de Plomb (Sailor Lead Crow)
Sailor Tin Nyanko Marinera Tin Nyanko (Sailor Tin Nyanko)
Chibi Chibi Chibi Chibi / Marinera ChibiChibi (Sailor ChibiChibi)


Most names were unchanged in the Galician dub, although Usagi was still called "Bunny," similar to most European dubs.

The Senshi were called "Warriors" as in the Spanish dub, although female terms were used. For example, Sailor Moon was called "Guerreira Lúa," Sailor Mercury "Guerreira Mercurio," and so on. The Sailor Senshi were called "As Guerreiras Lunares" (Moon Warriors).

Original Catalan
Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon Bunny Tsukino/Guerreira Lúa
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask Mamoru Xiba/O Home da Máscara (The Masked Man)
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury Amy Mizuno/Guerreira Mercurio
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars Rei Hino/Guerreira Marte
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter Makoto Kino/Guerreira Xúpiter
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus Minako Aino/Guerreira Venus
Chibiusa/Small Lady Chibiusa/Pequena Dama
Moonlight Knight O Cabaleiro da Lúa (Knight of the Moon)
Berthier Bertierite
Saphir Zafiro
Wiseman Sabio (Wise one)

Censorship and Changes[edit]

Censorship was almost nonexistent in the Spanish dub. Zoisite and Fisheye were both men, with voice actors who tried to sound feminine, so there was no intent to hide their sexuality. Still, Zoisite called Kunzite "Tío Kunzite" (Uncle Kunzite) at least once, establishing some kind of familiar relationship. The Holy Grail was translated literally as "Sagrado Grial," as were the Messiahs. Almost all of the attack names were changed, but it appeared to be simply for translation purposes.

The Senshi deaths, the nude scenes, and Haruka and Michiru's relationship all remained unchanged (although some fans have speculated that Haruka's name being changed to "Timmy" was an attempt to keep her gender ambiguous). The Sailor Starlights still changed gender when they transformed, and when they were in male form, they were dubbed by the same voice actresses, who just attempted to sound more masculine.

The Catalan dub of Sailor Moon was in general very faithful to the original, although episode 4 was omitted from the dub. Zoisite and Fisheye both remained male, though both of them had a female voice actress. This caused Zoisite's and Kunzite's relationship to remain vague.


In the original, Mamoru called Usagi "odango atama" (お団子頭; dumpling head), a reference to her hairstyle. In the Spanish dub, Mamoru, Haruka, and Seiya called her "cabeza de chorlito," which translates approximately as "scatterbrain" or "airhead." Instead of teasing her about her hair, they were actually being rude to her. Armando called Bunny by name instead of a pet name, and she called him by name too.

Sailor Moon's trademark "I will punish you" speech was translated almost literally. She said, "¡Soy la Guerrero que lucha por el amor y la justicia, Guerrero Luna! ¡Y en el nombre de Luna, te castigaré!" (I am the warrior who fights for love and justice, Warrior Moon! And in the name of the Moon, I will punish you!).

When a Monster-of-the-day was healed or vanished, even though in the original he/she said something different in each season, he/she always said the same in the Spanish dub, "¡Desaparezco!", which can be translated as "I'm disappearing!"

In the Catalan dub Mamoru called Usagi "Bunyolet," meaning "fritter," to emphasize her silliness. Sailor Moon's speech was translated almost literally: "Sóc la guerrera/marinera que lluita per l'amor i la justícia. Sóc la Marinera Lluna, i en nom de la lluna,(jo) et castigaré!" (I am the warrior/sailor who fights for love and justice. I'm Sailor Moon, and in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!). When Moon Healing Escalation was used on them, the Youma yelled, "Fora!" (Away!). When Moon Spiral Heart Attack and Rainbow Moon Heartache were used, the Daimons cried out, "Preciós!" (Beautiful!). When Moon Gorgeous Meditation was used, the Lemures cried out, "Fora d'escena!" (Off stage!). When healed with Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss or Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss, the Phage cried out, "Què bonic!" (How beautiful!).

Voice Actors[edit]


Character Actors
Bunny Tsukino/Guerrero Luna Cecilia Santiago (season 1)
Adelaida López (seasons 2-4, R movie)
Marta Sáinz (season 5)
Amy Mizuno/Guerrero Mercurio Ana María Marí (seasons 1-4, R movie)
Elena Ruiz (season 5)
Ray Hino/Guerrero Marte Pepa Agudo
Patricia Kino/Guerrero Júpiter Alicia Sainz de la Maza (seasons 1-3, R movie)
Isabel Fernández Avanthay (season 4)
Milagros Fernández (season 5)
Carola Aino/Guerrero Venus Beatriz Acaso (seasons 1-4, R movie)
Raquel Martín (season 5)
Armando Chiba/Señor del Antifaz Esteban Massana (seasons 1-2)
Luis Espinosa (R movie)
Rosa Guillén (child, R movie)
Mario Arenas (seasons 3-4)
Ángel Sacristán (season 5)
Chibiusa/Guerrero Chibi Luna
Guerrero Chibiusa
Conchi López (seasons 2-4, R movie)
Amelia Jara (season 5)
Pepa Agudo (episode 198)
Raquel Meiou/Guerrero Plutón Pilar Coronado (season 2)
Marisa Marco (season 3)
Ingrid Ravel (season 5)
Timmy Tennou/Guerrero Urano María Dolores Díaz (season 3)
Amelia Jara (season 5)
Vicky Kaiou/Guerrero Neptuno Chelo Vivares (season 3)
Raquel Martín (season 5)
Andrea Tomoe/Guerrero Saturno Marisa Marco (season 3)
Marta Sáinz (baby Hotaru, season 5)
Pepa Agudo (season 5)
Seiya Kou/Guerrero Estelar Luchadora Amelia Jara
Taiki Kou/Guerrero Estelar Creadora Pilar Domínguez
Yaten Kou/Guerrero Estelar Curadora Ingrid Ravel
Chibi Chibi/Guerrero Chibi Luna Pepa Agudo
Princesa Kakyuu Elena Ruiz (season 5)
Luna Beatriz Acaso (seasons 1-4, R movie)
Elena Ruiz (season 5)
Artemis Esteban Massana (seasons 1-2, R movie)
Mario Arenas (seasons 3-4)
Ángel Sacristán (season 5)
Diana Isacha Mengíbar (season 4)
Raquel Martín (season 5)


Character Actors
Bunny Tsukino/Marinera Lluna Marta Ullod
Ami Mizuno/Marinera Mercuri Geni Rey
Rai Hino/Marinera Mart Meritxell Ané
Makoto Kino/Marinera Júpiter Vicky Martínez
Minako Aino/Marinera Venus Nuria Doménech
Mamoru Chiba/Antifaç de Gala Francesc Figuerola
Chibiusa/Marinera Minilluna Maria Josep Guasch
Setsuna Meioh/Marinera Plutó Elisa Beuter
Haruka Tenou/Marinera Urà Lourdes López
Michiru Kaioh/Marinera Neptú Ana Maria Camps
Hotaru Tomoe/Marinera Saturn Elisabet Bargalló
Seiya Kou/Marinera Lluitadora Elisabet Bargalló
Taiki Kou/Marinera Creadora Elisa Beuter
Yaten Kou/Marinera Sanadora Lourdes López
Chibi Chibi/Marinera Chibi Chibi Maria Josep Guasch
Lluna Roser Aldabó
Artemis Hernan Fernández
Diana Elisabet Bargalló
Naru Osaka Maria Josep Guasch
Gurio Umino Teresa Soler
Elisabet Bargalló
Yuuichiro Yamada Claudi Domingo
Hernan Fernández
Reina Beryl Mar Roca


Character Actors
Bunny Tsukino/Guerreira Lúa Montserrat Davila
Amy Mizuno/Guerreira Mercurio Carolina Vázquez
Rei Hino/Guerreira Marte Luz Tellería
Makoto Kino/Guerreira Xúpiter Nora Abad
Minako Aino/Guerreira Venus Beatriz García
Mamoru Xiba/O Home da Máscara Coté San Segundo
Lúa Alicia Taboada

Transformations and Attacks[edit]


The Sailor Senshi's attacks in the Spanish dub remained the same during the first two seasons, even though some of them were not direct translations of the original ones. During the S and SuperS seasons they started to add the words "¡Ataca!" or "¡Al Ataque!" (both translated as "Attack!") at the end of the name of the attack, e.g. "¡Rayo Congelante, Ataca!" During those two seasons they also began to mix up the names, using the names from old attacks for new ones (like using Sabão Spray's Spanish name for Shine Aqua Illusion), or giving them a different translation just for one or two episodes. During Sailor Moon Sailor Stars all names remained the same for almost the entire season, though they were changed again for new or different translations in the last episodes.

In the following list of attacks, the most common name is placed first, followed by the less common names in order of appearance.

Sailor Moon[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up ¡Prístina Luna, dame el Poder! Pristine Moon, give me the Power!
Moon Power ni nare! Poder Luna, transfórmame en... Moon Power, transform me into...
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Plata, dame el Poder!
¡Prístina Luna, dame el Poder! (R movie)
Silver Crystal, give me the Power!
Pristine Moon, give me the Power!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up ¡Corazón Púrpura, dame el Poder!
¡Cristal de Plata, dame el Poder! (episode 130)
Purple Heart, give me the Power!
Silver Crystal, give me the Power!
Crisis, Make Up ¡Grial, dame el Poder! Grail, give me the Power!
Moon Crisis, Make Up ¡Crisis de Luna, dame el Poder! (episode 130)
¡Prístina Luna, dame el Poder!
¡Cristal de la Luna, dame el Poder! (episode 168)
Moon Crisis, give me the Power!
Pristine Moon, give me the Power!
Moon Crystal, give me the Power!
Moon Eternal, Make Up ¡Luna Eterna, dame el Poder! Eternal Moon, give me the Power!
Moon Tiara Action ¡Diadema, Acción!
¡Tiara, Acción! (episode 114)
¡Diadema Luna, Ataca! (episode 123)
¡Tiara de Oro, al Ataque! (episode 163)
¡Diadema Lunar, Acción! (episode 184)
Tiara, Action!
Tiara, Action!
Moon Tiara, Attack!
Golden Tiara, Attack!
Moon Tiara, Action!
Moon Tiara Stardust ¡Diadema Luna, Polvo de Estrellas! Moon Tiara, Stardust!
Moon Healing Escalation ¡Transmisión Luna Curativa! Healing Moon Transmission!
Moon Princess Halation ¡Princesa Luna, Aureola! (episode 51)
¡Cetro Relampagueante, Aureola!
Moon Princess, Halo!
Lighting Scepter, Halo!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack ¡Cetro Corazón, Ataca!
¡Corazón Púrpura, Ataca! (episode 124)
¡Cetro Relampagueante, Aureola! (twice)
Heart Scepter, Attack!
Purple Heart, Attack!
Lighting Scepter, Halo!
Rainbow Moon Heartache ¡Arcoiris de Luna, al Ataque! Moon Rainbow, Attack!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation ¡Crisis de Luna, dame el Poder! Moon Crisis, give me the Power!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss (¡Luz Estelar!) ¡Luna de Miel, Beso Curativo! (Starlight!) Honeymoon, Healing Kiss!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss ¡Luna de Plata, Beso de Cristal! Silver Moon, Crystal Kiss!
Sailor Mercury[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Mercurio, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Mercurio, dame el Poder! (episode 48)
Planet Mercury, give me the Power!
Mercury Power, give me the Power!
Mercury Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Mercurio, dame el Poder! Planet Mercury, give me the Power!
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal Mercurio, dame el Poder!
¡Planeta Mercurio, dame el Poder!
Mercury Crystal, give me the Power!
Planet Mercury, give me the Power!
Sabão Spray ¡Amor y Justicia! (episode 8)
¡Mercurio, Lucha!
¡Burbujas Utracongelantes, al Ataque!
¡Rayo Congelante, Ataca! (episode 124)
Love and Justice!
Mercury, Fight!
Ultra Freezing Bubbles, Attack!
Freezing Beam, Attack!
Sabão Spray Freezing ¡Mercurio, Rayo Congelante! Mercury, Freezing Beam!
Double Sabão Spray Freezing ¡Mercurio, Lucha! Mercury, Fight!
Shine Aqua Illusion ¡Ilusión de Agua Fulgurante! (episode 62)
¡Rayo Congelante(, Ataca)!
¡Mercurio, Lucha! (once)
¡Ilusión de Agua, al Ataque! (episode 143)
Shining Water Illusion!
Freezing Beam(, Attack)!
Mercury, Fight!
¡Water Illusion, Attack!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody ¡Mercurio, Melodía de Agua!
¡Mercurio, Sinfonía de Agua!
Mercury, Water Melody!
Mercury, Water Symphony!
Sailor Mars[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Mars Power, Make Up ¡Marte, dame el Poder! (episode 10)
¡Planeta Marte, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Marte, dame el Poder! (episode 48)
Mars, give me the Power!
Planet Mars, give me the Power!
Mars Power, give me the Power!
Mars Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Marte, dame el Poder! Planet Mars, give me the Power!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal Marte, dame el Poder!
¡Planeta Marte, dame el Poder!
Mars Crystal, give me the Power!
Planet Mars, give me the Power!
Akuryo Taisan ¡Fuera, Demonio! Demon, Begone!
Fire Soul ¡Fuego! (episode 10)
¡Rayo Fuego!
¡Planeta Marte! (episode 12)
¡Fuego Solar! (episode 63)
¡Fuego Destructor, al Ataque! (episode 139)
¡Fuego Destructor! (episodes 149 and 150)
¡Fuego Destructor, Ataca! (episodes 123 and 124)
Fire Beam!
Planet Mars!
Sun Fire!
Destructive Fire, Attack!
Destructive Fire!
Destructive Fire, Attack!
Fire Soul Bird ¡Fuego, al Corazón! Fire, to the Heart!
Burning Mandala ¡Fuego Destructor!
¡Marte, Fuego Destructor! (episode 63)
¡Fuego Destructor, Avanza! (episode 65)
¡Rayo Fuego! (episodes 78, 143, and 152)
¡Planeta Marte, dame el Poder! (episode 129)
¡Rayo de Fuego, al Ataque! (episode 143)
Destructive Fire!
Mars, Destructive Fire!
Destructive Fire, Advance!
Fire Beam!
Planet Mars, give me the Power!
Fire Beam, Attack!
Mars Flame Sniper ¡Marte! ¡Flecha de Fuego! Mars! Fire Arrow!
Sailor Jupiter[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Jupiter Power, Make Up ¡Júpiter, dame el Poder! (episodes 25 and 55)
¡Planeta Júpiter, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Júpiter, dame el Poder! (episode 48)
Jupiter, give me the Power!
Planet Jupiter, give me the Power!
Jupiter Power, give me the Power!
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Júpiter, dame el Poder! Planet Jupiter, give me the Power!
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal Júpiter, dame el Poder!
¡Planeta Júpiter, dame el Poder!
Jupiter Crystal, give me the Power!
Planet Jupiter, give me the Power!
Supreme Thunder ¡Supremo Trueno!
¡Chispas de Plata, al Ataque! (episode 139)
Supreme Thunder!
Silver Sparkles, Attack!
Supreme Thunder Dragon ¡Supremo Trueno! Supreme Thunder!
Sparkling Wide Pressure ¡Chispas de Plata(, al Ataque)!
¡Centelleante Abrazo de Afecto! (episode 65)
¡Supremo Trueno, Ataca! (episodes 123, 124, and 127)
Silver Sparkles(, Attack)!
Sparkling Affectionate Embrace!
Supreme Thunder, Attack!
Super Supreme Thunder ¡Chispas de Plata, al Ataque! Silver Sparkles, Attack!
Jupiter Oak Evolution ¡Júpiter! ¡Hojas de Roble! Jupiter! Oak Leaves!
Sailor Venus[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Venus Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Venus, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Venus, dame el Poder! (episode 48)
Planet Venus, give me the Power!
Venus Power, give me the Power!
Venus Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Venus, dame el Poder! Planet Venus, give me the Power!
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal Venus, dame el Poder!
¡Planeta Venus, dame el Poder!
Venus Crystal, give me the Power!
Planet Venus, give me the Power!
Crescent Beam ¡Fulgor Creciente!
¡Cadena de Amor, Ataca! (episode 124)
Crescent Shining!
Love Chain, Attack!
Crescent Beam Shower ¡Fulgor Creciente! Crescent Brilliance!
Venus Love-Me Chain ¡Cadena (Venus) de Amor(, Ataca)!
¡Fulgor Creciente, al Ataque! (episodes 99, 100, and 109)
(Venus) Love Chain(, Attack)!
Crescent Brilliance, Attack!
Crescent Beam Barrage ¡Fulgor Creciente! Crescent Brilliance!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock (¡Venus!) ¡Beso Fulminante! (SuperS)
(¡Venus!) ¡Beso de Amor! (Stars)
(Venus!) Devastating Kiss!
(Venus!) Kiss of Love!
Sailor Chibi Moon[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up ¡Prístina Luna, dame el Poder!
¡Cristal de Plata, dame el Poder! (once)
Pristine Moon, give me the Power!
Silver Crystal, give me the power!
Moon Crisis, Make Up ¡Crisis de Luna, dame el Poder! (once)
¡Prístina Luna, dame el Poder!
Moon Crisis, give me the Power!
Pristine Moon, give me the power!
Luna P Henge ¡Luna-P, Cambio! Luna-P, Change!
Pink Sugar Heart Attack ¡Pequeño Corazón, al Ataque!
¡Corazón Rosa, al Ataque! (once)
Little Heart, Attack!
Pink Heart, Attack!
Twinkle Yell ¡Suena Campanita de Cristal! ¡Little Crystal Bell, Ring!
Sailor Uranus[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Urano, dame el Poder!
¡Urano, dame el Poder! (once)
Planet Uranus, give me the Power!
Uranus, give me the Power!
World Shaking ¡Temblor de Tierra! Earth Tremor!
Space Sword Blaster ¡Ráfaga de Espada Espacial! Space Sword Blast!
Sailor Neptune[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Neptuno, dame el Poder!
¡Neptuno, dame el Poder! (once)
Planet Neptune, give me the Power!
Neptune, give me the Power!
Deep Submerge ¡Mares y Océanos!
¡Inmersión Profunda! (once)
Seas and Oceans!
Deep Dive!
Submarine Reflection ¡Mares y Océanos! Seas and Oceans!
Sailor Pluto[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Plutón, dame el Poder! Planet Pluto, give me the Power!
Dead Scream ¡Fuerzas Resplandecientes!
¡Aullido del Infierno! (once)
¡Aullido de la Muerte!
Shining Forces!
Howl of Hell!
Howl of Death!
Sailor Saturn[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Silence Glaive Surprise ¡Tumba del Silencio! Silence Grave!
Silence Wall ¡Pared del Silencio!
¡Muro del Silencio! (episode 172)
Silence Wall!
Sailor Star Fighter[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Fighter Star Power, Make Up ¡Estrella Luchadora, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Luchador de las Estrellas, Transformación!
Fighter Star, give me the Power!
Fighter Power of the Stars, Transformation!
Star Serious Laser ¡Láser Estelar! (¡A Escena!)
¡Súper Láser Estelar! (episode 173)
Star Laser! (On scene!)
Super Star Laser!
Sailor Star Healer[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Healer Star Power, Make Up ¡Estrella Curadora, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Curador de las Estrellas, Transformación!
¡Poder Maquillador Estelar, a escena! (episode 192)
Healer Star, give me the Power!
Healer Power of the Stars, Transformation!
Star Makeup Power, on scene!
Star Sensitive Inferno ¡Infierno Estelar! (¡A Escena!)
¡Ira! ¡Infierno Estelar! (episode 175)
¡Supernova! ¡Infierno! (episode 192)
Hell Star! (On scene!)
Anger! Hell Star!
Supernova! Hell!
Sailor Star Maker[edit]
Original Spanish Translation
Maker Star Power, Make Up ¡Estrella Creadora, dame el Poder!
¡Poder Creador de las Estrellas, Transformación!
Maker Star, give me the Power!
Maker Power of the Stars, Transformation!
Star Gentle Uterus ¡Fuerza Estelar! (¡A Escena!)
¡Músculo Estelar! (¡Gira!) (episode 174)
Star Force! (On scene!)
Star Muscle! (¡Turn!)


The Sailor Senshi's attacks in the Catalan dub were translated almost literally, even keeping Japanese terms, such as "Mandala."

Sailor Moon[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Poder del Prisma de la Lluna, Transformació! Moon Prism Power, Transformation!
Moon Power, ni nare Poder de la Lluna, converteix-me en una [disguise] ara mateix! Moon Power, change me into a [disguise] right now!
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up Poder del Cristall de la Lluna, Transformació! Moon Crystal Power, Transformation!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up Poder Còsmic de la Lluna, Transformació! Moon Cosmic Power, Transformation!
Crisis, Make Up Crisi, Transformació! Crisis, Transformation!
Moon Crisis, Make Up Crisi de la Lluna, Transformació! Moon Crisis, Transformation!
Moon Eternal, Make Up Eternitat de la Lluna, Transformació!
Lluna Eterna, Transformació!
Cristall de la Lluna, Transformació! (episode 179)
Moon Eternity, Transformation!
Eternal Moon, Transformation!
Moon Crystal, Transformation!
Moon Tiara Action Tiara de (la) Lluna, Acció! Moon Tiara, Action!
Moon Tiara Stardust Tiara de la Lluna, Pols Còsmica! Moon Tiara, Cosmic Dust!
Moon Healing Escalation Poder Curatiu de la Lluna, Acció! Moon Healing Power, Action!
Moon Princess Halation Halo de la Princesa de la Lluna(, Acció)! Moon Princess Halo(, Action)!
Moon Crystal Power Poder del Cristall de la Lluna, Acció! Moon Crystal Power, Action!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack Espiral del Cor de la Lluna, Atac! Moon Heart Spiral, Attack!
Rainbow Moon Heartache Arc Irisat de la Lluna, Atac! Moon Rainbow, Attack!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation Meditació Preciosa de la Lluna! Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss Petó Terapèutic de la Lluna de Mel: Llum d'Estrella! Honeymoon Therapy Kiss: Starlight!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss Lluna de Plata: Petó del Poder del Cristall! Silver Moon: Crystal Power Kiss!
Sailor Mercury[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up Poder de Mercuri, Transformació! Mercury Power, Transformation!
Mercury Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella de Mercuri, Transformació!
Poder del Planeta Mercuri, Transformació!
Mercury Star Power, Transformation!
Mercury Planet Power, Transformation!
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up Poder del Cristall de Mercuri, Transformació! Mercury Crystal Power, Transformation!
Sabão Spray Llança-bombolles, Acció! Bubbles Thrower, Action!
Sabão Spray Freezing Llança-bombolles Glaçades, Acció! Freezing Bubbles Thrower, Action!
Double Sabão Spray Freezing Doble Llança-bombolles de Gel, Acció! Double Ice Bubbles Thrower, Action!
Shine Aqua Illusion Il·lusió Reflex d'Aigua(, Acció)! Aqua Reflection Illusion(, Action)!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody Mercuri: Rapsòdia d'Aigua! Mercury: Aqua Rhapsody!
Sailor Mars[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Mars Power, Make Up Poder de Mart, Transformació! Mars Power, Transformation!
Mars Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella de Mart, Transformació!
Poder del Planeta Mart, Transformació!
Mars Star Power, Transformation!
Mars Planet Power, Transformation!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up Poder del Cristall de Mart, Transformació! Mars Crystal Power, Transformation!
Fire Soul Anima de Foc, Acció! Fire Soul, Action!
Fire Soul Bird Anima de Foc: Ocell, Acció! Fire Soul: Bird, Action!
Burning Mandala Mandala Ardent(, Acció)!
Mandala de Foc(, Acció)!
Burning Mandala(, Action)!
Fire Mandala(, Action)!
Mars Flame Sniper Mart: Llançaflames! Mars: Flamethrower!
Sailor Jupiter[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Jupiter Power, Make Up Poder de Júpiter, Transformació! Jupiter Power, Transformation!
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella de Júpiter, Transformació!
Poder del Planeta Júpiter, Transformació!
Jupiter Star Power, Transformation!
Jupiter Planet Power, Transformation!
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up Poder del Cristall de Júpiter, Transformació! Jupiter Crystal Power, Transformation!
Supreme Thunder Tró Suprem, Acció! Supreme Thunder, Action!
Supreme Thunder Dragon Tró Suprem del Drac, Acció! Dragon Supreme Thunder, Action!
Sparkling Wide Pressure Pressió Lluminosa, Acció!
Pressió Pluja d'Espurnes, Acció!
Pressió Raig d'Espurnes!
Shining Pressure, Action!
Pressure Shower of Sparks, Action!
Pressure Ray of Sparks!
Super Supreme Thunder Super Tró Suprem, Acció! Super Supreme Thunder, Action!
Jupiter Oak Evolution Júpiter: Evolució de Roure! Jupiter: Oak Evolution!
Sailor Venus[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Venus Power, Make Up Poder de Venus, Transformació! Venus Power, Transformation!
Venus Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella de Venus, Transformació!
Poder del Planeta Venus, Transformació!
Venus Star Power, Transformation!
Venus Planet Power, Transformation!
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up Poder del Cristall de Venus, Transformació! Venus Crystal Power, Transformation!
Crescent Beam Raig de Mitjalluna, Acció!
Poder de la Mitjalluna, Acció!
Crescent Beam, Action!
Crescent Power, Action!
Crescent Beam Shower Pluja de la Mitjalluna, Acció! Crescent Rain, Action!
Venus Love-Me Chain Cadena d'Amor de Venus(, Acció)! Venus Love Chain(, Action)!
Hissatsu Love-Me Moon Chain Cadena d'Amor de la Lluna, Acció! Moon Love Chain, Action!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock Venus: Xoc de Bellesa i Amor! Venus: Love and Beauty Shock!
Sailor Chibi Moon[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Poder del Prisma de la Lluna, Transformació! Moon Prism Power, Transformation!
Moon Crisis, Make Up Crisi de la Lluna, Transformació! Moon Crisis, Transformation!
Pink Sugar Heart Attack Cor de Sucre Rosat, Atac! Pink Sugar Heart, Attack!
Twinkle Yell Crit de Llampec! Lightning Yell!
Sailor Uranus[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up Poder del Planeta Urà, Transformació! Uranus Planet Power, Transformation!
World Shaking Gran Terratrèmol, Acció! Great Earthquake, Action!
Space Sword Blaster Espetec de l'Espasa de l'Espai! Space Sword Blast!
Sailor Neptune[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up Poder del Planeta Neptú, Transformació! Neptune Planet Power, Transformation!
Deep Submerge Immersió Profunda(, Acció)! Deep Submerge(, Action)!
Submarine Reflection Reflex Submarí, Acció! Submarine Reflection, Action!
Sailor Pluto[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up Poder del Planeta Plutó, Transformació! Pluto Planet Power, Transformation!
Dead Scream Crit de Mort, Acció!
Crit Mortal, Acció!
Death Scream, Action!
Deadly Scream, Action!
Sailor Saturn[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Silence Glaive Surprise Tomba del Silenci: Sorpresa! Silence Grave: Surprise!
Silence Wall Mur de Silenci!
Mur silenciós, acció! (episode 196)
Silence Wall!
Silent Wall, action!
Sailor Star Fighter[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Fighter Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella Lluitadora, Transformació! Fighter Star Power, Transformation!
Star Serious Laser Laser Intens de l'Estrella!
Laser Precís de les Estrelles! (episode 181)
Autèntica Portadora d'Estrella!
Gran Laser d'Estrella!
Star Intense Laser!
Star Precise Laser!
Star Authentic Guardian!
Star Great Laser!
Sailor Star Maker[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Maker Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella Creadora, Transformació! Maker Star Power, Transformation!
Star Gentle Uterus Força Suau de les Estrelles!
Uter Lleuger d'Estrella!
Star Gentle Strength!
Star Light Uterus!
Sailor Star Healer[edit]
Original Catalan Translation
Healer Star Power, Make Up Poder de l'Estrella Sanadora, Transformació! Healer Star Power, Transformation!
Star Sensitive Inferno Infern Sensible de les Estrelles! Star Sensitive Inferno!


Sailor Moon[edit]
Original Galician Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Invoco o poder do prisma lunar! I invoke the power of the Lunar Prism!
Sailor Mercury[edit]
Original Galician Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up Invoco o poder do planeta Mercurio, transformación! I invoke the power of planet Mercury, transformation!
Sailor Mars[edit]
Original Galician Translation
Mars Power, Make Up Invoco o poder do planeta Marte, transformación! I invoke the power of planet Mars, transformation!


The Sailor Moon manga was completely published in Spain by Glénat, the same company that published it in France, and was translated from the French version. The title of each volume and Act was a Spanish adaptation of those in the original version. For example, the volume titled "Tuxedo Mask" was called "El Señor del Antifaz" in Spain, because that was the character's name in the Spanish anime and manga.

Several of the titles had errors, however. The title of volume 15 was originally "Queen Nehellenia," and although she was called "Neherenia" in the Spanish manga, the title was "Nerenia." Rei was called "Rai," like in the anime, but Act 3 was titled "RAYA." Likewise, Act 5 was "Mako," even though Makoto was called "Patricia" in the Spanish manga and anime. In both of the latter cases those were the characters' names in the French version of the manga.

The attacks and transformations had up to three different translations in the same volume, some with the Spanish anime structure (¡Planeta Mercurio, dame el Poder!), and others with a completely different structure (¡Poder del Cristal de Saturno, Transformación!).

In 2011, Norma Editorial started publishing a new edition of the manga based on the shinsouban release, with a revised translation. This translation did not change any of the character names. Likewise, transformation and attack phrases remained in English. Sailor Mars' Akuryo Taisan was kept in Japanese, but Sailor Mercury's Chou Jigen Kuukan Genshutsu was translated as "¡Área Hiperespacial... Formación!" (Hyperspace Area... Formation!). The Sailor Senshi were referred to as "guerreras" for the first time ever, scrapping any grammatical inconsistencies of the previous translation. In 2024, Norma Editorial released the kanzenban edition under the title Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, in hardcover, with the same translation from the shinsouban release.


Even though the manga was released long after the anime first season, there was not necessarily a correlation between the two. The manga continued to use "Guerrero" (Warrior) instead of "Sailor" most of the time, but sometimes used terms from the original that were not present in the anime, such as "Sailor V" or "Sailor Cosmos." The names of the main characters and villains were changed as well, and sometimes the same character had different names (even within the same volume). Sailor Chibi Moon was called "Pequeña Guerrero Luna" (Small Warrior Moon) and "Súper Pequeña Guerrero Luna" (Super Small Warrior Moon); the latter, in Spanish, can mean that she is a very small warrior, rather than a "super warrior."

The civilian names were kept the same of the anime version, with some exceptions. Usagi was always called Bunny, but in some promotional pages inside the manga volumes, she was called Usagi. Michiru's and Setsuna's surnames were "Kaiou" and "Meiou," respectively, but Haruka's was spelled "Teio." When Sailor Pluto appeared as a civilian for the first time, she was called Severine, like the French version, but later it changed to Raquel, her name in the Spanish anime version. Hotaru's name underwent the same changes. She started as "Hotaru," then changed to "Olivia" during the Infinity arc, and finally adopted the anime name, "Andrea," during the Dream arc.

The Starlights kept their original names, being called "Sailor Star Lights" as a group, and individually "Sailor Star Fighter," "Sailor Star Healer," and "Sailor Star Maker." Sailor Kakyuu kept her name as well, but the planet Kinmoku was changed to planet "Kanel" for unknown reasons.

Transformations and Attacks[edit]

Sailor Moon[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up ¡Prístina Luna, dame el Poder!
¡Guerrero Luna, dame el Poder!
¡Poder del Prisma Lunar, metamorfoséate!
Pristine Moon, give me the Power!
Warrior Moon, give me the Power!
Power of the Moon Prism, metamorphose yourself!
Moon Power ni nare! Poder Luna, transfórmame en...
¡Poder de la Luna, transfórmame!
¡Poder Lunar! Otórgame el uniforme de...
Moon Power, transform me into...
Power of the Moon, transform me!
Moon Power! Grant me the uniform of...
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Plata, dame el Poder!
¡Poder del Cristal Lunar, transfórmame!
Silver Crystal, give me the Power!
Power of the Moon Crystal, transform me!
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up ¡Poder Cósmico Lunar, metamorfosis!
¡Poder Cósmico Lunar, transfórmame!
¡Poder Cósmico Lunar, adelante!
¡Poder Cósmico de la Luna, transfórmame!
Moon Cosmic Power, metamorphosis!
Moon Cosmic Power, transform me!
Moon Cosmic Power, let's go!
Cosmic Power of the Moon, transform me!
Crisis, Make Up ¡Poder Supremo, ven en mi ayuda!
¡Poder Supremo, transfórmame!
¡Poder Supremo, transfórmanos! (with Chibi Moon)
Supreme Power, come and help me!
Supreme Power, tranform me!
Supreme Power, transform us!
Moon Crisis, Make Up ¡Poder Supremo, transfórmame!
¡Poder Supremo, transfórmanos!
¡Poder Supremo, metamorfosis!
Supreme Power, transform me!
Supreme Power, transform us!
Supreme Power, metamorphosis!
Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal Lunar de Plata, transfórmame!
¡Poder del Cristal de Plata, transfórmame!
¡Poder del Cristal de la Luna de Plata, metamorfosis!
Silver Moon Crystal, transform me!
Silver Crystal Power, transform me!
Power of the Crystal of the Silver Moon, metamorphosis!
Moon Frisbee ¡Diadema, Acción! Tiara, Action!
Moon Twilight Flash ¡Crepúsculo Lunar! (¡te toca actuar!) Moon Twilight! (it's your turn to act!)
Moon Healing Escalation ¡Poder Lunar, actúa deprisa!
¡Cetro Lunar, actúa rápido!
¡Crepúsculo Lunar, te toca actuar!
¡Crepúsculo Lunar, actúa ahora!
Moon Power, act fast!
Moon Scepter, act quick!
Moon Twilight, it's your turn to act!
Moon Twilight, act now!
Moon Princess Halation ¡Princesa de la Luna, actúa ahora!
¡Cetro Lunar, actúa ahora!
¡Cetro Lunar, trae el Crepúsculo!
¡Crepúsculo Lunar, actúa ahora!
¡Cicatrización Lunar, actúa de inmediato!
Moon Princess, act now!
Moon Scepter, act now!
Moon Scepter, bring the Twilight!
Moon Twilight, act now!
Moon Healing, act immediately!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack ¡Cicatrización Lunar, actúa de inmediato!
¡Cicatrización Lunar, actúa enseguida!
¡Cicatrización Lunar, adelante!
¡Cetro Lunar, actúa de inmediato!
¡Espiral Lunar, adelante!
Moon Healing, act immediately!
Moon Healing, act at once!
Moon Healing, let's go!
Moon Scepter, act immediately!
Moon Spiral, let's go!
Rainbow Moon Heartache ¡Cetro Lunar, actúa de inmediato!
¡Bastón de Luna, adelante!
¡Moon Scepter, act immediately!
Moon Baston, let's go!
Rainbow Double Moon Heartache ¡Doble Cicatrización Lunar, adelante! Moon Double Healing, let's go!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation ¡Meditación Lunar! Moon Meditation!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss ¡Rayo de Miel! (¡Beso del Guerrero!) Honey Beam! (Warrior's Kiss!)
Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss ¡Poder del Cristal de Plata, Beso de Guerrero! Silver Crystal Power, Warrior's Kiss!
Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power ¡Poder del Cristal Silver Moon, Eterno Guerrero Luna! Silver Moon Crystal Power, Eternal Warrior Moon!

Tuxedo Mask[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber ¡Señor del Antifaz Smoking, explosión!
¡Bomba Explosiva de Tuxedo, explota!
Masked Lord Smoking, Explosion!
Tuxedo Explosive Bomb, blow up!
Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack ¡Bomba tuxedo! ¡Corazón de Azúcar Rosa! ¡Adelante! Tuxedo Bomb! Pink Sugar Heart! Let's go!

Sailor Mercury[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Mercury Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Mercurio, dame el Poder!
¡Mercurio, metamorfosis!
Planet Mercury, give me the Power!
Mercury, metamorphosis!
Mercury Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Mercurio, dame el Poder!
¡Poder de Mercurio, metamorfosis!
Planet Mercury, give me the Power!
Mercury Power, metamorphosis!
Mercury Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Mercurio, transfórmame!
¡Poder de Mercurio, metamorfosis!
¡Poder de Mercurio, adelante!
Mercury Power, transform me!
Mercury Power, metamorphosis!
Mercury Power, let's go!
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder del Cristal de Mercurio, transfórmame! Mercury Crystal Power, transform me!
Hyperspatial Sphere Generate ¡Cuarta Dimensión, aparece! Fourth Dimension, appear!
Shine Aqua Illusion ¡Ilusión Acuática, actúa ahora! Aquatic Illusion, act now!
Shine Snow Illusion ¡Ilusión de Nieve, actúa ahora! Snow Illusion, act now!
Mercury Aqua Mirage ¡Espejo Acuático de Mercurio, actúa de inmediato!
¡Espejismo Acuático de Mercurio!
Aquatic Mirror of Mercury, act immediately!
Mercury Aquatic Mirage!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody ¡Rapsodia Acuática! (¡de Mercurio!) (Mercury!) Aquatic Rhapsody!

Sailor Mars[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Mars Power, Make Up ¡Marte, metamorfosis! Mars, metamorphosis!
Mars Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Marte, dame el Poder!
¡Poder de Marte, metamorfosis!
Planet Mars, give me the Power!
Mars Power, metamorphosis!
Mars Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Marte, metamorfosis!
¡Poder de Marte, adelante!
¡Poder de Marte, transfórmame!
Mars Power, metamorphosis!
Mars Power, let's go!
Mars Power, transform me!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder del Cristal de Marte, transfórmame!
¡Poder del Cristal de Marte, metamorfosis!
Mars Crystal Power, transform me!
Mars Crystal Power, metamorphosis!
Akuryo Taisan ¡Vade Retro Satanás!
¡Poder del Fuego, actúa deprisa!
Satan, Begone!
Fire Power, act fast!
Burning Mandala ¡Fuerza de Mandala, actúa ahora! Mandala Force, act now!
Mars Snake Fire ¡Serpiente de Fuego!
¡Fuego de Serpiente, arde!
¡Fuego de Serpiente, quema!
Fire Snake!
Snake Fire, burn!
Snake Fire, burn!
Mars Flame Sniper ¡Llamas de Marte!
¡Lanzallamas de Marte!
Mars Flames!
Mars Flamethrower!

Sailor Jupiter[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Jupiter Power, Make Up ¡Júpiter, metamorfosis! Jupiter, metamorphosis!
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Júpiter, dame el Poder!
¡Poder de Júpiter, metamorfosis!
Planet Jupiter, give me the Power!
Jupiter Power, metamorphosis!
Jupiter Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Júpiter, metamorfosis!
¡Poder de Júpiter, adelante!
Jupiter Power, metamorphosis!
Jupiter Power, let's go!
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder del Cristal de Júpiter, transfórmame!
¡Poder del Cristal de Júpiter, metamorfosis!
Jupiter Crystal Power, tranform me!
Jupiter Crystal Power, metamorphosis!
Jupiter Thunderbolt ¡Relámpago! Lightning!
Supreme Thunder ¡Supremo Trueno! Supreme Thunder!
Flower Hurricane ¡Tormenta de Flores!
¡Tempestad de Flores!
Storm of Flowers!
Tempest of Flowers!
Sparkling Wide Pressure ¡Arma de Júpiter, actúa ahora!
¡Trueno de Venus [sic], actúa ahora!
Jupiter Weapon, act now!
Venus Thunder, act now!
Jupiter Coconut Cyclone ¡Ciclón de Júpiter!
¡Tormenta de Júpiter, golpea!
¡Ciclón de Júpiter, lánzate!
¡Coco-Ciclón de Júpiter!
Jupiter Cyclone!
Jupiter Storm, hit!
Jupiter Cyclone, throw yourself!
Jupiter Coco-Cyclone!
Jupiter Oak Evolution ¡Evolución del Roble de Júpiter! Jupiter's Oak Evolution!

Sailor Venus[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Venus Power, Make Up ¡Venus, metamorfosis!
¡Planeta Venus, dame el Poder!
Venus, metamorphosis!
Planet Venus, give me the Power!
Venus Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Venus, dame el Poder!
¡Poder de Venus, metamorfosis!
Planet Venus, give me the Power!
Venus Power, metamorphosis!
Venus Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Venus, transfórmame!
¡Poder de Venus, adelante!
Venus Power, transform me!
Venus Power, let's go!
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder del Cristal de Venus, transfórmame! ¡Venus Crystal Power, transform me!
Crescent Boomerang ¡Croissant Boomerang! Croissant Boomerang!
Venus Love-Me Chain ¡Cadena de Amor de Venus! (¡Actúa ahora!) Venus Love Chain! (Act now!)
Rolling Heart Vibration ¡Corazón de Venus, actúa ahora! Venus Heart, act now!
Venus Wink Chain Sword ¡Cadena de Venus!
¡Espada de Venus, atraviésala!
¡Espada de Amor de Venus, corta!
Venus Chain!
Venus Sword, go through her!
Venus Love Sword, cut!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock ¡Escisión de Venus! ¡Tomad hechizo!
¡Cadena de Amor de Venus! ¡Toma hechizo!
Venus Split! Take this spell!
Venus Love Chain! Take this Spell!
Venus Love and Galactica Shock ¡Cadena de Amor de Venus, efecto de hechizo Galáctico! ¡Venus Love Chain, Galactic spell effect!
Akuryo Taisan ¡Atrás Espíritu Malvado! Evil Spirit, get back!

Sailor Chibi Moon[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up ¡Poder del Prisma Lunar, metamorfosis!
¡Poder del Prisma Lunar, transfórmame!
Moon Prism Power, metamorphosis!
Moon Prism Power, transform me!
Crisis, Make Up ¡Poder Supremo, transfórmanos! Supreme Power, transform us!
Moon Crisis, Make Up ¡Poder Supremo, transfórmanos!
¡Cristal Lunar, transfórmame!
Supreme Power, transform us!
Moon Crystal, transform me!
Pink Moon Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder del Cristal Rosa Lunar, transfórmame!
¡Poder del Cristal Rosa Lunar, metamorfosis!
Moon Pink Crystal Power, transform me!
Moon Pink Crystal Power, metamorphosis!
Abracadabra Pon ¡Abracadabra poum! Abracadabra poum!
Moon Princess Halation ¡Cicatrización Lunar, actúa de inmediato! ¡Moon Healing, act immediately!
Pink Sugar Heart Attack ¡Corazón de Azúcar Rosa! (¡ataca!)
¡Corazón de Azúcar Rosa, actúa de inmediato!
¡Corazón de Azúcar Rosa, adelante!
Pink Sugar Heart! (attack!)
Pink Sugar Heart, act immediately!
Pink Sugar Heart, let's go!
Rainbow Double Moon Heartache ¡Doble Cicatrización Lunar, adelante! Moon Double Healing, let's go!
Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack ¡Bomba tuxedo! ¡Corazón de Azúcar Rosa! ¡Adelante! Tuxedo Bomb! Pink Sugar Heart! Let's go!
Twinkle Yell ¡Campanilleo Deslumbrante!
¡Llamada Centelleante!
Dazzling Ringing!
Sparkling Call!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation ¡Meditación Lunar! Moon Meditation!
Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss ¡Rayo de Miel, Doble Guerrero Kiss! Honey Beam, Double Warrior Kiss!
Pink Lady's Freezing Kiss ¡Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss! Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss!

Sailor Uranus[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Urano, metamorfosis!
¡Poder de Urano, transfórmame!
¡Poder de Urano, adelante!
Uranus Power, metamorphosis!
Uranus Power, transform me!
Uranus Power, let's go!
Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Urano, metamorfosis! Uranus Power, metamorphosis!
World Shaking ¡Círculo de Fuego, arde!
¡Seísmo Cósmico!
¡Sacudida Cósmica!
Fire Circle, burn!
Cosmic Earthquake!
Cosmic Shaking!
Space Sword Blaster ¡Espada Espacial! (¡Actúa de inmediato!)
¡Espada Espacial, adelante!
Space Sword! (Act immediately!)
Space Sword, let's go!
Space Turbulence ¡Turbulencias Espaciales! Space Turbulences!
Galactica Space Turbulence ¡Turbulencias Espaciales Galácticas! Galactic Space Turbulences!

Sailor Neptune[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Neptuno, metamorfosis!
¡Poder de Neptuno, adelante!
Neptune Power, metamorphosis!
Neptune Power, let's go!
Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Neptuno, metamorfosis! Neptune Power, metamorphosis!
Deep Submerge ¡Círculo de Cristal!
¡Inmersión Profunda!
Crystal Circle!
Deep Submerge!
Submarine Reflection ¡Reflejo Abisal! (¡Actúa de inmediato!) Abyssal Reflection! (Act immediately!)
Submarine Violon Tide ¡Flujo Acuático Sinfónico! Symphonic Aquatic Tide!
Galactica Violon Tide ¡A mí, Flujo de Agua Sinfonico Galactico! Come to me, Symphonic Water Galactic Tide!

Sailor Pluto[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Plutón, transfórmame!
¡Poder de Plutón, adelante!
Pluto Power, transform me!
Pluto Power, let's go!
Pluto Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Plutón, metamorfosis! Pluto Power, metamorphosis!
Dead Scream ¡Aullido del Infierno!
¡Poder de Plutón, actúa de inmediato!
¡Ruinas Destructoras!
¡Aullido Mortal!
Howl of Hell!
Pluto Power, act immediately!
Destructive Ruins!
Deadly Howl!
Time Stop ¡Oh, Tiempo, detente! Oh, Time, Stop!
Chronos Typhoon ¡Huracán de Cronos! (¡Actúa de inmediato!)
¡Tifón de Cronos!
Chronos Hurricane! (Act immediately!)
Chronos Typhoon!
Garnet Ball ¡Bola Granate, actúa de inmediato! Garnet Ball, act immediately!
Dark Dome Close ¡Puerta de las Tinieblas, ciérrate! Door of the Darkness, close yourself!

Sailor Saturn[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Saturno, metamorfosis! Saturn Power, metamorphosis!
Death Reborn Revolution ¡Revolución de la Muerte, adelante! Death Revolution, let's go!
Silence Wall ¡Abertura del Silencio! Silence Hole!
Silence Glaive Surprise ¡Espada del Silencio! Silence Sword!
Galactica Glaive Surprise ¡Espada Galáctica! Galactic Sword!

Sailor Quartet[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Amazoness Jungle Arrow ¡Flechas de Amazonas! Amazoness Arrows!
Pink Lady's Freezing Kiss ¡Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss! Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss!

Sailor Star Fighter[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Fighter Star Power, Make Up ¡Fighter Poder! ¡Metamorfosis! Power Fighter! Metamorphosis!
Star Serious Laser ¡(Star) Sirius Raiser! (Star) Sirius Raiser!

Sailor Star Healer[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Healer Star Power, Make Up ¡Healer Poder! ¡Metamorfosis! Power Healer! Metamorphosis!
Star Sensitive Inferno ¡Dolores Infernales! Hellish Pains!

Sailor Star Maker[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Maker Star Power, Make Up ¡Maker Poder! ¡Metamorfosis! Power Maker! Metamorphosis!
Star Gentle Uterus ¡Star Gentle Yutrace! Star Gentle Yutrace!

Sailor Kakyuu[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Kinmoku Star Power, Make Up ¡Poder de Kanel! ¡Transfórmame! Kanel Power! Transform me!
Starlights Royal Straight Flush ¡Ralámpago Real de las Starlights! Starlights' Royal Lightning!
Kinmoku Fusion Tempest ¡Tempestad de Flores de Kanel! Kanel Flower Tempest!


The first three seasons of Sailor Moon Crystal were never dubbed in Spain, but Sailor Moon Eternal became available on Netflix with Spanish audio and subtitles on June 3, 2021. It was translated by Alessandra Moura, and Cecilia Santiago was the voice director.

Sailor Moon Cosmos became available on Netflix with Spanish audio and subtitles on August 22, 2024. It was translated by Salomón Doncel-Moriano, and Adelaida López was the voice director.

The original names were kept for all characters except for Tuxedo Mask, who was called "Tuxedo Mask" instead of "Tuxedo Kamen." The honorifics and nicknames were also included, so Mamoru was called "Mamo-chan" by Usagi and Chibiusa, while he referred to Usagi as "Usa." While the attacks and transformations were translated and adapted to Spanish in Sailor Moon Eternal, they were unchanged in Sailor Moon Cosmos.

Voice Actors[edit]

Character Actor
Usagi Tsukino Adelaida López
Mamoru Chiba Mario Arenas
Ami Mizuno Ana María Marí
Rei Hino Ana Esther Alborg
Makoto Kino Isabel Fernández Avanthay
Minako Aino Beatriz Acaso (Eternal)
Gema Carballedo (Cosmos)
Haruka Tenoh Isabel Lago
Michiru Kaioh Chelo Vivares
Setsuna Meioh Pilar Coronado
Hotaru Tomoe Silvia Sarmentera
Chibi-Usa Conchi López
Luna Beatriz Acaso (Eternal)
Gema Carballedo (Cosmos)
Artemis Mario Arenas
Diana Isacha Mengíbar
Phobos María Martínez Montiel
Deimos Laura Ruiz
Helios Adolfo Moreno
Cere-Cere Cristina Yuste
Palla-Palla Blanca (Neri) Hualde
Jun-Jun Pilar Martín
Ves-Ves Danai Querol
Kou Seiya Nieves (Nikki) García
Kou Taiki Catherina Martínez
Kou Yaten Ana de Castro
Princess Kakyuu Beatriz Berciano
Chibi Chibi María Blanco
Sailor Cosmos María Blanco
Neherenia María del Mar Jorcano
Zirconia Ana Plaza
Fish Eye Rodri Martín
Tiger's Eye Fernando Cabrera
Hawk's Eye Iván Muelas
Eduardo Bosch
Sailor Galaxia Mar Bordallo
Sailor Iron Mouse Irene Valadés
Sailor Aluminum Siren Abril Zamora
Sailor Lead Crow Lourdes Montes
Sailor Tin Nyanko Sandra Jara
Sailor Phi Vera Bosch
Sailor Chi Laura Pastor
Sailor Lethe Andrea Alzuri
Sailor Mnemosune Alba Luque
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon Ainhoa Martín
Chaos Sara Heras
Saphir Borja Acebal
Wiseman Héctor Garay
Queen Serenity Inés Blazquez
Young Mamoru Chiba Blanca Rada
Ikuko Tsukino Eva Lorenzo
Kenji Tsukino Roberto Cuenca Rodríguez
Shingo Tsukino Iván Saudinós
Ittou Asanuma Miguel Ferrerño
Saeko Mizuno Cecilia Santiago
Rei's grandfather Héctor Garay

Transformations and Attacks[edit]

As previously mentioned, no Spanish dub has been produced for the first three seasons of Sailor Moon Crystal. Attacks and transformations were not translated in Sailor Moon Cosmos, but in the Spanish dub of Sailor Moon Eternal, they were translated as follows:

Sailor Moon[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up ¡Cosmos de la Luna, dame el Poder! Moon Cosmos, give me the Power!
Moon Crisis, Make Up ¡Crisis Lunar, dame el Poder! Moon Crisis, give me the Power!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation ¡Meditación Lunar Resplandeciente! Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Silver Moon Crystal Power ¡Cristal de la Luna de Plata, dame el Poder! Silver Moon Crystal, give me the Power!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss ¡Luna de Miel de la Luz Estelar, Beso Terapéutico! Starlight Honeymoon, Therapy Kiss!

Sailor Mercury[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Mercurio, dame el Poder! Mercury Crystal, give me the Power!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody ¡Mercurio! ¡Rapsodia de Agua! Mercury! Aqua Rhapsody!
Mercury Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Mercurio! Mercury Crystal!

Sailor Mars[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Mars Star Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Marte, dame el Poder! Planet Mars, give me the Power!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Marte, dame el Poder! Mars Crystal, give me the Power!
Mars Flame Sniper ¡Marte! ¡Lanzallamas! Mars! Flamethrower!
Mars Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Marte! Mars Crystal!

Sailor Jupiter[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Júpiter, dame el Poder! Jupiter Crystal, give me the Power!
Jupiter Oak Evolution ¡Júpiter! ¡Evolución del Roble! Jupiter! Oak Evolution!
Jupiter Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Júpiter! Jupiter Crystal!

Sailor Venus[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Venus Planet Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Venus, dame el Poder! Planet Venus, give me the Power!
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal del Planeta Venus, dame el Poder! Planet Venus Crystal, give me the Power!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock ¡Venus! ¡Conmoción de Amor y Belleza! Venus! Love and Beauty Shock!
Venus Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Venus! ¡Venus Crystal!

Sailor Chibi Moon[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Moon Prism Power, Make Up ¡Prisma de la Luna, dame el Poder! Moon Prism, give me the Power!
Moon Crisis, Make Up ¡Crisis Lunar, dame el Poder! Moon Crisis, give me the Power!
Twinkle Yell ¡Grito Centelleante! Twinkling Yell!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation ¡Meditación Lunar Resplandeciente! Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Submarine Mirror ¡Espejo Submarino! Submarine Mirror!
Moon Crystal Power ¡Poder del Cristal de Plata! Silver Crystal Power!

Sailor Uranus[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Urano, dame el Poder! Uranus Crystal, give me the Power!
World Shaking ¡Temblor de Tierra! Earth Tremor!
Space Sword Blaster ¡Ráfaga de Espada Espacial! Space Sword Blast!
Uranus Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Urano! Uranus Crystal!

Sailor Neptune[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Crystal de Neptuno, dame el Poder! Neptune Crystal, give me the Power!
Deep Submerge ¡Inmersión Profunda! Deep Submerge!
Submarine Reflection ¡Reflejo Submarino! Submarine Reflection!
Neptune Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Neptuno! Neptune Crystal!

Sailor Pluto[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up ¡Planeta Plutón, dame el Poder! Planet Pluto, give me the Power!
Pluto Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Plutón, dame el Poder! Pluto Crystal, give me the Power!
Dead Scream ¡Grito Mortal! Deadly Scream!
Pluto Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Plutón! Pluto Crystal!

Sailor Saturn[edit]

Original Spanish Translation
Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up ¡Cristal de Saturno, dame el Poder! Saturn Crystal, give me the Power!
Silence Wall ¡Muro del Silencio! Silence Wall!
Silence Glaive Surprise ¡Guadaña del Silencio! Silence Scythe!
Saturn Crystal Power ¡Cristal de Saturno! Saturn Crystal!


Original Spanish Translation
Sailor Planet Power Meditation ¡Por el Poder de los Planetas! ¡Urano! ¡Neptuno! ¡Plutón! ¡Mercurio! ¡Marte! ¡Júpiter! ¡Venus! ¡Meditación! By Power of the Planets! Uranus! Neptune! Pluto! Mercury! Mars! Jupiter! Venus! Meditation!


  • Spain was the very first country outside of Japan to screen the Sailor Moon anime. The actual premiere date was December 22, 1993, ten months after the last episode of the first season was shown in Japan.
  • Vulpi-Yuri, the first recording studio which dubbed Sailor Moon, is an unusual studio because its only known dub jobs were the first three seasons of Sailor Moon, after which it disappeared. The second studio, Tecnison, kept almost all the voice actress from Vulpi-Yuri for the fourth season, but the actresses for the Outer Senshi were not hired even for secondary characters, and they hired new actors for the Amazon Trio and Amazoness Quartet. When Arait Multimedia dubbed the fifth season, they hired an almost entirely new cast, with the only exception being Pepa Agudo (Sailor Mars), because the others were unavailable, working exclusively with other studios, or retired.
  • Pepa Agudo was the only Spanish dub actress to perform in all seasons of the television series, as she was a freelance dub actress who had always worked in the three recording studios where Sailor Moon was dubbed. She played most of the secondary characters and female villains, like Naru Osaka, Kaolinite, and Esmeraude. She did not provide the voice for any Senshi until the fifth season, where she played Sailor Saturn, Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon, Sailor Lead Crow, and Sailor Chibi Moon (for her brief appearance in episode 198). Scheduling issues prevented her from returning for Sailor Moon Eternal and Sailor Moon Cosmos, however.
  • Ángel Sacristán played all of the male roles in the Castilian dub of the fifth season. As the only male main characters in that season were Artemis and Mamoru, it was not that obvious, but secondary characters had easily recognizable voices.
  • There was a minor continuity error in the first episode of the Spanish dub, in which Sailor Moon announced herself by saying, "Por amor y la justicia, soy una chica guerrero. Vengo luchar contra el mal! Y ahora voy a castigarte en nombre de Luna!" (For love and justice, I'm a girl warrior. I came to fight against the evil! And now I'll punish you in the name of the Moon!), and did not call herself "Guerrero Luna." However, Morga still replied with "Guerrero Luna? Que estas diciendo? Nunca he oigo hablar de eso!" (Moon Warrior? What are you saying? I've never heard of that!), even though she had never heard the title before.
  • The back covers of the VHS release of Sailor Moon R included the original Japanese names, but some were poorly romanized, such as "Arutemisu" instead of "Artemis" and "Runa" instead of "Luna."
  • The Spanish dub has also been shown in Andorra, as the television networks there broadcast television channels from Spain, France, and Portugal.
  • The logo of the Spanish dub was the same as the one used in the English version of the first arcade game, with minor modifications.

External Links[edit]