World Shaking

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Sailor Senshi Attacks
World Shaking in the anime
Attack Name: World Shaking
Attack Name (kanji/kana): 天界震/ワールド・シェイキング
English Name: Uranus World Shaking, World Shaking (dub); World Shaking (manga)
Performed by: Sailor Uranus
Item Required: None
First Used (anime): Premonition of World's End? Mysterious New Senshi (unnamed), A Beautiful Boy? The Secret of Haruka Tenou (by name)
First Used (manga): Act 29 Mugen 3 Futari NEW SOLDIERS
First Used (musical): Sailor Moon S - Usagi Ai no Senshi e no Michi

World Shaking was the first attack used by Sailor Uranus.

In the anime and video games, she performed the attack by raising her hand above her head, causing a ringed sphere of energy to form inside it. When the energy sphere was fully formed, she hurled it toward the ground in the direction of her target. The sphere moved through the ground, causing an earthquake, then rose above the ground just before hitting the target.

In Sailor Moon Crystal, the attack first appeared in Act 29, when Sailor Uranus used it against Mimete. However, it would not receive a fully animated attack sequence until the second part of Sailor Moon Eternal, when Super Sailor Uranus used it to release the Guardian Senshi from the vines in which PallaPalla had trapped them.


  • The literal meanings of the kanji characters used in the name of this attack in the manga are "sky" (天), "world" (界), and "tremble" (震).